Monitoring Microscopic Marine Life – Bridging Traditional and Modern Identification Methods
21st February 2025 by Marine Directorate Communications
Plankton - microscopic plants and animals that live in the water - form the base of the marine food web, supporting all marine life. They are a vital food source for shellfish and fish larvae, including commercially important species that contribute to Scotland’s Blue Economy. The Marine Directorate runs the Scottish Coastal Observatory (SCObs), an environmental monitoring programme that has tracked plankton in Scottish waters for over 25 years.
Sixth annual ScotMER symposium draws record attendees
8th March 2024 by Marine Directorate Communications
The ScotMER programme recently held its sixth annual symposium attracting over 1,000 registered attendees from 30 different countries. The symposium took place online over three days and showcased the breadth of active research currently being undertaken by the programme. Attendees heard updates from each of the seven ScotMER receptor groups (described below), as well as...
The Wider Picture – OCSAM Goes Stateside!
27th February 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Dr Colin Moffat, Chief Scientific Officer Marine (OCSAM), recently visited the United Nations in New York. Here he talks about what he was doing there: “There is little doubt about the criticality of sound evidence to ensure that our decisions are appropriate. In Scotland we have a reasonable volume of data and information for some...
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person
20th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
This year has been both the Year of the Engineer and Year of Young Person. Here is a roundup of just some of the interesting jobs our staff involved in Outreach work get up to. Dr Nabeil Salama Andronikos Kafas Pam Walsham John Bruce Campbell Pert Julia Black Lynda Blackadder Carl Jones Eric Dalgarno Alistair McCartney
Clean Seas Environment Monitoring Programme
30th November 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1918A Alba na Mara Programme Duration: 29 November – 3 December 2018 Sampling Gear: BT 158 with 50 mm cod-end; 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end; Day grab and table; Catamaran and neuston net Objectives: To undertake flatfish sampling in St Andrews Bay, Outer Firth of Forth and the Forth estuary (Tancred) in support of the...
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person with Eric Dalgarno
20th September 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
As we mentioned in one of our earlier blogs, 2018 is both the Year of the Engineer and the Year of the Young Person – and this blog is about one of our many colleagues who are inspiring the next generation with their Outreach work. This is Eric, one of our Marine Environmental Chemists in...
Deploying fish traps and underwater video camera frames
3rd September 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1218H – MRV Actinia Duration: 2-7 September 2018 Fishing Gear: 12 fish traps (6 fleets of 2 traps) 2 baited remote underwater video camera (SBRUV) frames 4 LED light assemblies in GPH housing 4 SJ6 Legend cameras and custom-built underwater housings Objectives: To deploy fish traps over various habitat types within...
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person – Carl Jones
23rd August 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
The year 2018 is both the Year of the Engineer and the Year of the Young Person – and this blog is about one of our many colleagues who are inspiring the next generation with their Outreach work. Meet Carl Jones – British Seas Fisheries Officer based in our Peterhead office. When not dressing up as...
GDPR – a change to data protection law
24th May 2018 by Alaster Phillips - Digital Strategist
The General Data Protection Regulations comes into force on May 25, 2018, giving individuals more control over their personal data, and ensuring that organisations collect and process that information properly and securely. To find out more about GDPR, visit the Information Commissioner’s website.
Offshore Energy and Marine Spatial Planning Book
23rd May 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
The generation of offshore energy is a rapidly growing sector internationally. Its expansion means competing for space in an already busy seascape, and as it develops it will have many potential impacts on established patterns of sea use, rights of access, and social and cultural value systems. Effective marine management not only needs to balance...