When compliance searched for science
12th June 2023 by Marine Scotland Communications
In Spring 2023, the search and rescue skills of colleagues from the Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government on board our Marine Protection Vessel (MPV) Jura were called on to help locate and recover a lost scientific seaglider. This is equipment from the Scottish Association for Marine Science’s (SAMS) Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science Programme (CLASS) project.
World Ocean Day : Despite huge marine wealth, Scotland cannot act
9th June 2023 by Marine Scotland Communications
This opinion piece was published in The National to mark World Ocean Day on Thursday 8th June 2023. Scotland’s seas are nearly six times larger than the land area of Scotland and provide our nation with huge potential. So it is fitting that today, on World Ocean Day, we celebrate all that they contribute to...
Remembering Helen Stormonth Ogilvie (1880-1960)
17th May 2023 by Marine Directorate Communications
On this day in 1880, Helen Stormonth Ogilvie was born who, as far as we know, was the first woman to be employed by the Fisheries Board for Scotland, now the Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government. Born in Dundee, Helen Ogilvie studied at Dundee University College at the time it became affiliated to St...
Outcome of UK-Faroe bilateral talks for fishing opportunities in 2023
25th April 2023 by Marine Scotland Communications
A summary of outcomes of UK-Faroe bilateral talks for fishing opportunities in 2023.
A Peek at Seaspeak Marine Language by Liam Dawson
24th April 2023 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Marine Scotland Directorate of the Scottish Government has statutory and regulatory responsibilities to make sure the fishing industry is complying with regulations for safety, marine conservation, and sustainable use of our seas. We have a number of marine vessels (MVs) and surveillance aircraft around Scotland to maintain protection. This includes the health and safety...
Marine Protected Area receives permanent protection for the critically endangered flapper skate
9th February 2023 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Protected Area Red Rocks and Longay becomes permanent.
Bilateral agreement on 2023 fish quotas reached between EU and UK
20th December 2022 by Marine Scotland Communications
UK-EU negotiations have now concluded, with agreement on key shared stocks in the North Sea and West of Scotland, as well as other coastal waters around the UK, with an estimated value of £149.6 million to Scotland.
Outcome of Coastal States consultation on mackerel, blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring
9th December 2022 by Marine Scotland Communications
Coastal States consultations have now concluded with agreement on 2023 catch limits for shared pelagic stocks.
Scottish Marine Energy Research Symposium 2023
7th December 2022 by Marine Scotland Communications
Registration is now open for the upcoming Scottish Marine Energy Research (ScotMER) symposium, which will run for three days from 31 January 2023.
Outcome of the 2022 annual meeting of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission
23rd November 2022 by Marine Scotland Communications
The annual meeting of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) has concluded, with parties agreeing on a number of proposals.