The 2nd Buckland Marine Fisheries Colloquium
28th September 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Frank Buckland 1826-1880 Pioneer of Fisheries Research & Public Communication The Buckland Foundation & Edinburgh Marine Network Present The 2nd Buckland Marine Fisheries Colloquium Tuesday 20 October 2015, 18:00-20:30 Room LG.09, David Hume Tower, George Square University of Edinburgh “Securing the Supply of Food from Marine Fisheries” Featuring the joint Buckland Professors for 2015 1800–1805:...
Joint Warrior Training Activity: 4th to 15th October 2015
25th September 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Exercise Joint Warrior 152, will take place between 4 and 15 October 2015, delivered by the Joint Tactical Exercise Planning Staff from Faslane (JTEPS). It is a programme of exercises conducted by land forces, warships, submarines and aircraft across the UK. The majority of the exercise is focussed in the airspace, offshore and coastal waters...
Recoveries of Scottish satellite tags in Scandinavia
24th September 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
A Marine Scotland Science study investigating the coastal movement of Scottish salmon deployed a number of satellite tags on fish in 2013 to 2014. This work was aimed at determining the potential for marine renewable energy to affect migrating salmon. The satellite tags detach from the salmon at a pre-determined time and transmit their location,...
Marine Scotland to collaborate on analysing underwater noise data
22nd September 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Underwater noise in the marine environment is the focus of a new UK-wide research partnership to monitor the ‘soundscape’ in UK waters. The Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) has teamed up with Marine Scotland Science and the University of Exeter to analyse underwater noise data from subsea sound recorders located around...
MRV Scotia: Survey 1315S Programme
17th September 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Gear: Sea-Bird CTDs, ADCPs and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment (x2), centrifuge equipment (HWU), bacteria sampling equipment (HWU), sediment sampling equipment (UoA), mooring equipment, recovery trawl, drifters, sediment grabs (Van Veen / Day) and sediment corers (MSS / UoA). Objectives: Test the CTD in the Buchan Deep off Peterhead. Collect water samples for salinity...
Great British Beach Clean
17th September 2015 by Marine Scotland Communications
Over the next few days, the Marine Conservation Society are organising beach cleans all over the country. If you fancy getting involved, why not check out their website and see if there’s one happening near you? More Information Marine Conservation Society Marine Scotland litter collection in Aberdeen
A day worth opening our doors for
15th September 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
On Saturday 12 September, the Marine Laboratory opened its doors to the public as part of ‘Aberdeen Doors Open Day’. What a day it was! We were a very popular location with visitors arriving as soon as we opened at 10 am. Throughout the day there was a continuous stream of people which meant that...
Science is for Everyone
15th September 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Thinking of studying Biology but don’t know exactly what kind of career it might lead you to? This event might be for you. Aberdeen Science Grrl are hosting an evening of talks from women working in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers with a focus on biology. We hope to inspire you to pursue...
Our doors are (nearly) open
11th September 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
The preparations have begun, and are in full swing, in the Marine Laboratory for tomorrow’s Doors Open Day event. Why not join us for a tour around some of our buildings on the campus and learn more about our history – did you know we have been here, in Torry, since 1923? There will also...
Effects of magnetic fields on the behaviour of eels and salmon
10th September 2015 by Marine Directorate Communications
Two new reports on the potential effects of magnetic fields (MFs) associated with marine renewable energy developments (MREDs) on the behaviour of Atlantic salmon and European eels have been published in Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science. Industrial developments in coastal waters, particularly for harnessing marine renewable energy, require deployment of electricity cables, which generate electromagnetic...