MRV Alba na Mara; Survey 1014A – East Coast Scallop Survey 2014
19th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
The East Coast Scallop Survey for 2014 is well underway, having set sail on the 6th of June. Overview of survey: Scallop dredge hauls will be made at sites used on previous surveys and other known commercial grounds as shown below. Hauls will be of 30 minutes duration. From each haul, all of the scallops...
MRV Scotia; Survey 0714S – Nephrops Television Survey Update
17th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
It’s been over a week since we left Aberdeen on a grey, foggy day. Normally, at this time of year, these conditions would not be warmly welcomed. However a) we sailed from Aberdeen so didn’t expect much better, and b) these features meant there would be very little wind, which is ideal for the annual...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
17th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
MSCC News: 17 June 2014 Natural England has commissioned new research which will be used to set the standard for assessing the potential impacts of marine operations on mobile marine species. Read the article Brought to you by Plymouth Marine Laboratory ( on behalf of the UK Marine Science Coordination Committee. For more information about...
Marine Spatial Planning Update
16th June 2014 by Paul Stainer
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan A Working Group consisting of Marine Scotland, Highland Council and Orkney Islands Council have been working on developing a pilot marine spatial plan for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters, see The Working Group produced two documents last year that went out for consultation. The...
Workshop on Physical Damage Indicator development for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
16th June 2014 by Paul Stainer
Marine Biological Association, Plymouth 26-27 February 2014 Participants AFBI, MBA, Heriott-Watt University, Bioconstruct, University of Liverpool, JNCC, DEFRA, Natural England, BGS, BRGM, SEPA, CEFAS, MSS, Plymouth University, BFN, SNH, Natural Resources Wales, IECS, Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle, Cornwall IFCA, and DOENI were all represented. Aims: Mike Robertson attended a workshop intended to further develop a...
MRV Scotia; Survey 0714S – Nephrops Television Survey
13th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
The MRV Scotia began her annual North Sea and West coast Nephrops Television Survey last week. The main areas in which the survey will take place are shown in the figure below. A combination of two approaches will be used to derive the survey positions. The majority of stations will be generated by employing the...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
12th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
MSCC News: 12 June 2014 Three leading environmental scientists from the UK have been invited to talk about the state of the world’s oceans to an audience including US Secretary of State John Kerry at an ocean summit in Washington. They are amongst less than thirty scientists from around the world who will be providing...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
12th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
MSCC News: 12 June 2014 During the summer months of 2012 a large scale iron fertilisation experiment took place across a patch of sea west of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, in contravention of international agreements. Beginning with 90 tons of iron sulphate in July and followed by 10 tons of iron oxide in August and...
Marine & Fisheries News from other organisations
12th June 2014 by Marine Directorate Communications
MSCC News: 12 June 2014 Deep sea fishes remove and store more than one million tons of CO2 from UK and Irish surface waters every year, according to a new study. This natural carbon capture and storage scheme could store carbon equivalent to £10 million per year in carbon credits. Fish living in deep waters...
Mapping Vessel Movements from Satellite Automatic Identification System (AIS) – report published
12th June 2014 by Marine Scotland Communications
Use of satellite AIS data for marine planning purposes has not previously been undertaken, therefore the reliability, accuracy and compatibility of satellite data with terrestrial data was unknown. Because of its marine planning interests, Marine Scotland has comissioned ABP Marine Environmental Research Ltd to investigate what added value satellite AIS (Automatic Identification System) data can bring...