162 returned results for 'research vessel'

  • Taking PAM to visit Rosemary Bank

    Figure 1: Map showing approximate location for mooring deployment and transects for each zone Duration: 31 July to 7 August 2017 Fishing Gear: 2 x bird observer boxes (plus rubber matting) 1 x passive acoustic device and moorings Objectives To deploy a passive acoustic device on Rosemary Bank To collect data on bird and marine…

    2nd August 2017

  • There be prawns!

    Earlier, we posted information about the 7th research survey that our research vessel, the Alba na Mara was doing. Here we have the final blog from the Scientist in Charge on that survey, Adrian Weetman: Following the long journey from Fladen to the west coast on Monday 12th June, the annual Nephrops Under Water TV Survey began working in…

    22nd June 2017

  • Latest update from the MRV Scotia survey 0717S – the 7th of the year

    Duration: 6- 26 June 2017 Gear onboard:   2 x Scotia BT175 80mm prawn trawls 2 x Day grabs and 1 x sieving table 2 x towed UWTV sledges 2 x 600m umbilical towing cables and associated TV equipment (including back up) Objectives To obtain estimates of the abundance and distribution of Nephrops burrow complexes at…

    15th June 2017

  • How would you like to be a Scientist-in-Charge?

    I work as a physical oceanographer for Marine Scotland Science and every December I am also the Scientist-in-Charge (SiC) of the MRV Scotia’s research cruise. Before taking over the December cruise I work-shadowed a colleague who taught me the ins-and-outs of Scotia and this type of cruise. Funnily enough not many people are keen on…

    8th March 2017

  • Festive antics on the MRV Scotia

    Scientists from Marine Scotland Science left Aberdeen on-board the research vessel Scotia on a Saturday morning in December to continue our long-standing monitoring work in the northern North Sea and in the Faeroe-Shetland-Channel. The international group from the Marine Lab consisted of two oceanographers, two engineers, one biologist, one modeller, one technician, and one chemist…

    30th December 2016

  • A Very Fortunate Find

    Recently, as part of the East Coast Marine Mammal Acoustic Study (ECOMMAS), some colleagues were out on the research vessel Alba na Mara to retrieve acoustic detectors; devices deployed and retrieved which help to build a picture of dolphin and porpoise population distribution. During the trip they searched for one particular mooring, approximately 5 km…

    23rd December 2016

  • Marine engineers develop a new drop frame and camera system

    Marine Scotland Engineering staff have a history of building bespoke kit for scientists over a number of years. Most recently they have been working on the research vessel Alba na Mara to develop a new drop frame and stereo image system to increase our benthic monitoring capabilities. This system is used by both Marine Scotland scientists and…

    9th December 2016

  • MRV Scotia Survey 1716S programme

    Duration: 17 November – 7 December 2016 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: To participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey. To obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. To collect additional biological data in connection with the EU data collection framework (DCF). Procedures:…

    25th November 2016

  • Celebrating Merchant Navy Day

    The 3 September is Merchant Navy Day – a day for us to recognise and thank the seafaring men and women who were involved in both World Wars, and to celebrate our modern day merchant seafarers. What you may not know though is that our colleagues from Marine Scotland Compliance, who crew the Marine Protection…

    12th August 2016

  • Marine Scotland Science Annual Review 2015/16

    The latest Marine Scotland Science Annual Review 2015/16 has just been published which gives an insight in to the huge range of knowledge, skills, achievements and level of work undertaken by the scientists working within the Marine Scotland family. As the Head of Science, Professor Colin Moffat (pictured right), explains: “High quality science and advice that…

    8th August 2016