Fish Samples and Mackerel Eggs – ICES Triennial Survey
26th April 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MFV Altaire Programme Survey: 0219H Duration: 16-29 April 2019 Fishing/Sampling Gear: Gulf VII Plankton Sampler Objectives: Carry out mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey) on the western shelf and slope in the area from 55o N to 60o N (see Figure 1 below). Collect fish samples, by trawling, for atresia and fecundity analysis back at…
Egg-cellent Sampling with Altaire
2nd April 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MFV Altaire (LK429) Programme Survey: 0119H Duration: 19 March – 1 April 2019 Fishing/Sampling Gear: Vessel’s own pelagic trawl Gulf VII plankton sampler with mounted seabird 19+ CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) unit. Objectives: Carry out mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey), on the western shelf and shelf edge in the area from 53oN to 59o…
Surveying in Subarea 6a
25th February 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: MRV Scotia Programme 0319S Duration: 17 February – 11 March 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV (Grand Overture Verticale) Trawl (BT 137) fitted with ground gear D. Plankton Sampling Gear: Gulf 7, icthyoplankton Sampler Hydrographic Gear: Seabird 19+ CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) Objectives: Demersal trawling survey (SCOWCGFS-Q1) off the grounds of the north and west…
Sampling Herring Larvae in the Dark
31st January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Scotia Survey: 0219S Programme Duration: 24 January – 13 February 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear A & B; MIK Net (Round Frame with IK depressor); and MIKeyM net (attached onto the MIK net on selected stations). Objective: Complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in…
Camera Trials and Nephrops Trawls – An Update
21st January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
After a timely departure from Fraserburgh on Saturday the 5th of January, Alba na Mara sailed for the west coast to carry out underwater TV work on Nephrops grounds. The first task involved deploying a time lapse camera, attached to a large frame, in Upper Loch Torridon. This was followed by a short steam to…
A Century’s Worth of Data
14th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Marine Laboratory at Aberdeen has been collecting offshore water samples and taking related measurements since the 1890’s. Yet, while the equipment we use has changed a lot since that time, mostly due to advances in technology, the parameters we sample have remained the same. The Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Oceanography Group will soon be…
Meet Dr Jessica Craig- Fisheries Population Modeller
12th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland colleagues submitted a range of posters for the recent Science in Government Conference describing their work and a typical day for them. Third in our series is Dr Jessica Craig – Fisheries Population Modeller. Read on for an insight into what a typical day for Jessica would be like… Further Information: Science in…
Sampling in the Strata
14th November 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1718S MRV Scotia Programme Duration: 12 November – 4 December 2018 Fishing Gear: GOV (Grand Overture Verticale) Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: Participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey. Obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. Collect additional biological data in connection with the EU…
Go west….to Greenland!
13th September 2018 by Marine Scotland Communications
We’re excited about bringing you this next blog. Sean, who you’ll read about below, is taking part in a West Greenland Salmon Sampling trip. But what is it and why is sampling done in Greenland? Read on to find out…. Welcome to my West Greenland Salmon Sampling Photo Blog My name is Sean Dugan and…
Trawling with the Data Collectors
10th August 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1118S MRV Scotia Duration: 28 July – 17 August 2018 Fishing Gear: Grande Overture Verticale (GOV) trawl (BT 137) with Ground Gear A and B Objectives: Complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area IV. Obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station using…