Sign up to the new ScotStat
17th January 2022 by Helen Davidson
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician, Scottish Government. Keeping users of our statistics informed of the latest developments such as new publications, events or consultations is a crucial task for our statisticians. One of the key ways we do this is through ScotStat, our email notification system. I’m pleased to announce then that we are investing...
Changes to COVID-19 case reporting
13th January 2022 by Helen Davidson
From today, 13 January 2022, in addition to reporting the number of people testing positive for COVID-19 through a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, we will also begin reporting a combined figure for the number of people who have recorded a first positive PCR or an LFD (lateral flow device) test. This change in reporting...
Women in Statistics
25th November 2021 by Ally McAlpine
RESAS statisticians recently attended the Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference in Manchester. This month’s blog is written by Christina Coakley, Senior Assistant Statistician. Chrissy is now leading the analytical work to replace the June Agricultural Census. She also led the RESAS delegation at the RSS Conference. Here, she talks about her highlights from the conference...
Agricultural Statistics Transformation Programme Begins
29th October 2021 by Ally McAlpine
Beginning next month, my unit is stepping up work on our ‘Agricultural Statistics Transformation Programme’. I previously spoke about the last December Survey and now we are looking at our other data products. By engaging with internal staff and a wide range of stakeholders across Scotland and the UK, we will improve the data we...
An Introduction to the Equality Data Improvement Programme
30th September 2021 by roannasimspon
I’m Roanna Simpson, an analyst in the Equality Analysis Team within the Scottish Government. Our team leads on a new Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) and this is the first in a series of blogs aimed at providing an update on the progress of this work. The new EDIP is a multi-phase programme of work...
Sex and Gender in Data
22nd September 2021 by Kate Lyne
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician, Scottish Government. Today I am publishing the guidance on sex and gender in data. This is for those who collect data, covering how they should think about what data they need, and some standard approaches to collecting and publishing this data. This is an important contribution to my aim of...
Making Better Use of Data for Land-Use and the Environment
13th September 2021 by Ally McAlpine
In this blog I will talk about work we are doing to make better use of data and evidence for land-use and the environment. I am also calling out to environmental and land-use analysts to get involved. Previously I wrote about improving the use of data that we hold with projects like data linkage. This...
Research Data Scotland – Information Governance Progress
12th August 2021 by Kate Lyne
Who We Are Research Data Scotland (RDS) is a collaboration between the Scottish Government, Scotland’s leading academic institutions and public bodies. Our aim is to improve economic, social and environmental wellbeing in Scotland. We will do this by enabling access to and linkage of data about people, places and businesses for research in the public...
Research Data Scotland moving forward
21st July 2021 by Kate Lyne
by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Developments are progressing at pace for the launch of the Research Data Scotland (RDS) service. Publishing the Outline Business Case for RDS is an important milestone in this work. The business case highlights the strong case for RDS and the reasoning behind why we’ve set it up. To improve the...
Farming Families Wellbeing in the 21st Century
14th July 2021 by Ally McAlpine
From farm data to families wellbeing Last month I wrote about our new Scottish Crop Map data. But we are also getting the most from the data we already have. One such project aims to link anonymised farm data to other national surveys and data sets like Scotland’s Census. This will help us look at...