
  • Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-2025 – Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement Events

    31st January 2023 by

    Following a busy autumn, the Scottish Government’s Equality Analysis team would like to update on progress towards the development of Scotland’s new Equality Evidence Strategy. Equality Analysts have been engaging with a range of stakeholders over the past few months to ensure that the strategy reflects a range of perspectives. The publication of the strategy...

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  • The More We Speak the More Trusted We Become!

    22nd September 2022 by

    In my last blog I promised a packed conference that would challenge our thinking when we get back into the office. And boy! Did the organising team manage that? This was evident from the “Flash Talks” and parallel sessions. They really highlighted the breadth and depth of innovative and impactful work that goes on across...

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  • Becoming Leaders in Statistics

    30th July 2022 by

    We all need to become leaders in statistics. In this blog I look at how we can make that happen, the importance of sharing ideas and how your views are shaping our future planning. Reading Time: 6 minutes ‘Statistical Leadership In the Service of Scotland’ – Official Statistics Conference How can we make more of...

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  • New consultation: Equality Evidence Strategy 2023-25

    5th July 2022 by

    On Friday, the Equality Analysis Team launched a consultation on proposals to improve and strengthen Scotland’s equality evidence base over the next three years. These proposals will form the basis of Scotland’s new Equality Evidence Strategy. The publication of the strategy will mark the conclusion of the first phase of the Scottish Government’s Equality Data...

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  • Message from the Interim Chief Statistician – Ally McAlpine

    19th April 2022 by

    Supporting our statistics in policy making It will be an honour and a privilege to lead Scotland’s community of talented statisticians. We face many challenges in Government and our statistics plays a vital role in contributing to the response taken. I want to lead our group to get the best value from our statistics. Through...

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  • Future of COVID-19 Data Reporting

    5th April 2022 by

    Following the publication of Scotland’s Strategic Framework update in February 2022 we are now planning to move to a single main source of headline COVID-19 data. All headline COVID-19 data can now be sourced from Public Health Scotland’s (PHS) COVID-19 Daily Dashboard. The Scottish Government (SG) will no longer provide updates to the Coronavirus (COVID-19): daily data for Scotland...

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  • Office of the Chief Statistician email service- ScotStat

    17th March 2022 by

    The Office of the Chief Statistician has now moved its ScotStat email notification service to a new platform. To stay up to date with the latest Scottish Government statistics make sure to sign-up to the new ScotStat. Official statistics provide the most accurate and up-to-date picture of our society. ScotStat is one of the best...

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  • Using intersectionality in policymaking and analysis

    16th March 2022 by

    Last week the Equality Analysis Team published our evidence synthesis on the concept of intersectionality, along with an accompanying summary. This is an output from our Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP). Intersectionality is a rich concept that has been used to articulate and analyse the lived reality of those who experience multiple inequalities, particularly within...

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  • Collecting and publishing equality data

    11th March 2022 by

    I’m Dan Craig, an assistant statistician in the Equality Analysis Team within the Scottish Government. In this blog, I talk about a key project within our Equality Data Improvement Programme (EDIP) – updating our guidance for the collection of equality data. The EDIP a multi-phase programme of work that aims to strengthen Scotland’s equality evidence...

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  • Improving the Speed and Accuracy of Agricultural Statistics

    16th February 2022 by

    Sunrise over a field of vegetable crops demonstrating the dawn of new coding and improving the speed and accuracy of agricultural statistics

    This month, the team are looking at improving the speed and accuracy of our agricultural statistics. They focussed on the computer code and the time taken from receiving data to producing statistics. And, we are learning from gaming and software development. In simple terms, it is a way of coding that removes errors. It also...

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