Working as a government statistician – Kirsty Yule
6th January 2020 by lyndseymiddleton
With the Scottish Government welcoming applications for Assistant Statistician posts, we have a series of blog posts by government statisticians talking about how they became Assistant Statisticians. We also have some fixed term opportunities available now. If you are interested in a fixed term opportunity, please submit your up to date CV to: In...
Working as a government statistician – Alison Gordon
19th December 2019 by lyndseymiddleton
The Scottish Government will soon be welcoming applications for permanent Assistant Statistician posts. Leading up to this, we have a series of blog posts by government statisticians talking about how they became Assistant Statisticians. We also have some fixed term opportunities available now. If you are interested in a fixed term opportunity, please submit your...
Using data to save time, money and lives – an update on Research Data Scotland
4th December 2019 by datasharingandlinkage
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician Earlier this year I wrote about our plan to set-up Research Data Scotland (RDS) to use the fantastic data we have about people, organisations and places to systematically improve the lives of people in Scotland. We’ve been making progress over the last few months and I wanted to share an...
Working Group on sex and gender in data – Update
3rd December 2019 by Office of the Chief Statistician
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician I was asked by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People to bring forward guidance to support public bodies collect and present data on sex and gender. I have brought together experts in collecting and presenting data from across the UK, and we have now met three times....
Equality Evidence Strategy – Interim Progress Report
7th November 2019 by Jay Ware
Scotland’s Equality Evidence Strategy is a four year strategy running from 2017 to 2021. The strategy details an approach to strengthening Scotland’s equality evidence base. It also lists equality evidence gaps raised during the Scottish Government’s discussions with partner organisations and academic colleagues. Since the publication of the strategy, the Scottish Government has worked to...
Working Group on data about a person’s sex and gender – November 2019
31st October 2019 by Office of the Chief Statistician
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician I was asked by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People to bring forward guidance to support public bodies collect and present data on sex and gender. I have brought together experts in collecting and presenting data from across the UK, and we have now met twice. In...
2019 Health & Care Experience Survey
16th October 2019 by robynd
2019 Health & Care Experience Survey goes lives 16th October The Health & Care Experience Survey is run every two years and asks people across Scotland about their experiences of: accessing and using their GP Practice and local Out of Hours services; experiences of care and support provided by local authorities and other organisations; and...
Equality Evidence Finder – September 2019 Update
10th October 2019 by Jay Ware
The Scottish Government, its agencies and partner organisations collect, analyse and publish a wide range of equality evidence. The Equality Evidence Finder is a website summarising the key equality statistics and research for Scotland across different themes for age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and transgender. The website is updated monthly with...
Working Group on Data about a Person’s Sex and Gender
20th September 2019 by Office of the Chief Statistician
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician I have been asked by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People to form a group to investigate the collection and presentation of data about sex and gender. In this post, I describe why I’m doing the work, what I’m expecting it to deliver (by when) and...
Want to get access to public sector data and don’t know where to start?
18th July 2019 by Nicola Kerr
By Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician I regularly see where statistics and data used in the public good can improve lives. The recently award winning project linking health and homelessness data has been used to help understand gaps in health services for people who are homeless and to help an approach that is testing whether there...