
Open Data in Scotland : A Blueprint for Unlocking Innovation, Collaboration and Impact

August 29, 2024 by No Comments | Category Data, Digital Scotland

This blog has been written by Martin Macfie, Head of Open Data in the Digital Directorate’s Data Division to announce the publication of an independent report on open data for the Scottish Government.

Publication of report

In May 2024, I wrote a blog which outlined Scottish Government commissioned research to better understand the benefits, challenges and opportunities of open data.  I’m pleased to announce that we now have published an independent report by Open Data Services on the Scottish Government website.

We need to be more strategic in the way we approach the publishing, messaging and culture around open data.  We want to maximise the impact and value of open data to better meet user needs, in line with the Public Service Reform Agenda, to improve outcomes for the people of Scotland.

The full report provides an overview of trends in open data. It indicates the key areas where open data can be used to maximise value and impact, using a more purpose-based approach to publishing. These include:

  • transparency, accountability and empowerment
  • innovation and economic growth
  • management and monitoring
  • collaboration and coordination

The report also sets out five recommendations, which outline how the Scottish Government can position itself as a leader in open data.

Collaborative, targeted and strategic approaches for open data

Open data in Scotland: a blueprint for unlocking innovation, collaboration and impact advocates for a more targeted approach to publishing open data which maximises impact.  To do this, we would like to work with you to better meet your needs in a collaborative and strategic way which will help all of us.

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the evidence within the report.  These include open data practitioners, experts, users and participants of public workshops.  In particular, we’d like to thank Jack Lord from Open Data Services, who has written the report and Fractals Co-op, who ran the workshops.  We would also like to thank everyone who publishes and advocates for open data in Scotland.

Next steps for our team

  • Open data policy: Using the findings and recommendations from the report we will develop a project plan and roadmap; the outcome of which is to create a clear vision for purpose-driven impactful open government data in Scotland and priorities for its implementation. We feel it’s important that there’s alignment with Scotland’s other digital and data ambitions, such as the digital strategy, Scotland’s AI Strategy and the vision for public sector data. This allows for shared learning and ensures that open data isn’t considered in isolation but as a component of broader themes improved data maturity.
  • We are nearing the end of the discovery phase of a project to improve Scotland’s Official Statistics open data publishing platform, We have been looking at user needs; the technology and processes underpinning open data publishing; and the wider policy landscape. We regularly publish open data on
  • We continue to work within the wider data team and beyond to deliver the six activities in the Digital and data commitment within Scotland’s Open Government Action Plan, 2021-25. The four-year plan commits to Supporting government openness, transparency and empowerment through open data.  Many of the activities concern using data as an enabler for open government, and embedding open government principles within the data capacity and capability improvement work that we are already looking to achieve.  The findings and recommendations from the report will help inform us as we start to consider the role of purpose-driven open data in future open government themes.

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