Stewart Hamilton
Written 205 posts
Communications and Engagement Officer
Getting up close with data standards
18th August 2021
Blog by Lucie Woellenstein, PhD intern in the Data Standards team, Digital Directorate. My name is Lucie Woellenstein and I am a PhD intern in the Data Standards team within the Open Data & Data Innovations team, in the Digital Directorate, Scottish Government. Some of you may remember my last blog, where I spoke about…
Developing a digital leadership pathway
13th August 2021
Blog by Lee Dunn, Head of the Scottish Digital Academy, Digital Directorate. The Scottish Digital Academy provides high quality professional learning and training to develop digital skills to support transformation and service design across the public and third sectors in Scotland. We have a focus on building capability and nurturing talent across the Digital, Data…
Who is working on Data Standards in the UK and Internationally?
9th August 2021
Blog by Lucie Woellenstein, PhD intern – Data Standards team, Digital Directorate. For the past couple months, I’ve had the fantastic opportunity to work with the Data Standards team in the Digital Directorate at Scottish Government. My role has been very versatile, and in this blog I want to talk about one piece of work…
What is a design system and why do we need one for planning?
21st July 2021
A design system is a toolkit of reusable components which together make up the overall interface that users will interact with – this short guest blog by Scottish Government Digital Planning colleagues explores the process of creating such a system and the benefits it will deliver. A design system is a toolkit of reusable components –…
Scottish Digital Academy – Strategic Business Plan
20th July 2021
Blog by Lee Dunn, Head of the Scottish Digital Academy, Digital Directorate, Scottish Government. I joined the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate in April, as Head of the Scottish Digital Academy. I was previously a Lead Specialist Professional Learning and Product Manager at Education Scotland. I began my career as a school teacher, before taking on…
Digital Identity Programme National Stakeholder Event – Video
14th July 2021
The Digital Identity Programme National Stakeholder Event, held online on 19 May 2021, successfully brought together 232 participants from public bodies, local government, the third sector, NHS, Scottish Government, UK and Northern Ireland Governments and suppliers, to hear how the programme is shaping up. Attendees welcomed the sessions describing the high level ambition, clarity of…
Making the most of user research findings
14th July 2021
Blog post co-written by Mark Daniels, Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek, Daniel Migliorelli and Fiona Wragg In this blog post, Mark Daniels, Daniel Migliorelli and Fiona Wragg who work in the Digital Transformation Division of the Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate and Aleksandra Kaleta-Pyrek who works in Social Security Directorate share discovery findings showing that standardised processes for sharing…
Introduction to Data Standards and Open Data in Scottish Government
13th July 2021
Hi, my name is Shona Nicol and I work in the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate and head up a team that covers technical data policy, where I lead on data standards. Along with Martin Macfie, who leads the team on Open Data, we wanted to start a series of blogs on the use of data…
Introducing new Design System Axure library
7th July 2021
Blog by Anusree Raju, Senior Interaction Designer, Digital Directorate and Jamie McInnes, Interaction Designer, Social Security Directorate. Scottish Government’s design system known as Digital Scotland Design System recently launched its new Axure library which consists of design system components and patterns which have now been published on its site. If you are a designer or…
Finding public sector data
23rd June 2021
Hi, my name is Shona Nicol, and I head up a team in the Scottish Government’s, Digital Directorate, that covers technical data policy, from data standards, open data to data innovation, and I’d like to share the details on a recent CivTech Challenge that I’m sponsoring. The Challenge is ‘How do we use technology to…