
  • Online engagement event: discussing principles for enabling data’s value

    14th October 2022 by

    We hosted the ‘Unlocking Value of Public Sector Personal Data: Guiding Principles Design’ webinar on 1 September, to get feedback from the public and data practitioners on draft high-level principles for the programme. This would be the first of several opportunities for practitioners, and the wider public, to participate in a citizen-led, collaborative process.

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  • Unlocking the Value of Public Sector Data for Public Benefit: Blog #4

    14th October 2022 by

    The IEG met for the fifth time at the end of August, and the focus was on engagement. By this we meant engaging, not just with experts on data, industry representatives and policy makers, but also with the wider community and public. Consequently, engagement experts Democratic Society have been appointed by the Scottish Government to support the group with this important facet of our work.

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  • Draft principles for unlocking the value of Scotland’s public sector personal data for public benefit

    19th August 2022 by

    Members of the Independent Expert Group on Unlocking the Value of Public Data for Public Benefit, have been working over the summer on a draft set of principles to guide decision-making by data controllers in the Scottish public sector. I want to thank my fellow IEG members for their contributions to these draft principles.

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  • Unlocking the Value of Public Sector Data for Public Benefit: Blog #3

    12th July 2022 by

    In June 2022, the Independent Expert Group (IEG) came together for the fourth time, as part of our series of monthly meetings. As a collection of experts from different sectors, backgrounds and practices, the group is united in its aim to advise the Scottish Government on how personal dataset-holders in the Scottish public sector can make decisions about how these datasets might be used by the private sector. The group wishes to ensure that whenever this occurs, it has to be of public benefit to the people of Scotland, in ways that promote transparency and trust.

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  • Unlocking the Value of Public Sector Data for Public Benefit

    6th May 2022 by

    The new Independent Expert Group (IEG) met at the end of March 2022, the first of our series of monthly meetings. For each of these meetings, we aim to write a blog to accompany the minutes, as a more accessible way to get a sense of what we discussed at the meeting, as well as some other initiatives which are influencing our thinking.

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  • The Truth of Designing Services

    12th November 2021 by

    In this blog Sam Ernstzen, Digital Service Standard Assessor within Scottish Government’s Directorate for Internal Audit and Assurance, and Serena Nusing, Senior Service Designer, based within Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate share with you five truths about designing services.  Being experienced service designers we see very common things across projects. We thought sharing what we see...

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  • Research on Equality Protected Characteristics

    4th November 2021 by

    A blog by the Data & Intelligence Network(D&IN) comprised of Scottish Government and our partners. Following on from recent blogs by the Data & Intelligence Network on linking the people & places of Scotland and our Ethics Framework, this blog explains another recent project taking place within the Network. This project seeks to explain how...

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  • Scottish Government celebrates World Interaction Design Day (IxDD 2021)

    17th September 2021 by

    For the first time The Scottish Government will be hosting a series of presentations and talks from 28th to 30th September to celebrate this year’s World Interaction Design Day for internal staff. What is IxDD 2021? IxDD 2021 is an annual event where Interaction Designers and User Centred Design practitioners come together as a united global...

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  • Digital Identity Programme – Opportunity to Join our Online Stakeholder Event

    19th March 2021 by

    Susie Braham, Head of Data and Digital Identity Policy Unit within Digital Directorate tells us about plans to host an online digital identity stakeholder event. Last week, we launched our new Digital Strategy: ‘A Changing Nation: How Scotland Will Thrive in a Digital World’. It contains a commitment to introduce a digital identity service for Scotland,...

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  • SG payments team – Opportunities and update

    12th October 2020 by

    Carron MacNab, Delivery Manager, Product and Commercial Division, shares some news about opportunities to join the Payments team. We’ve also got an update on how we’re finding ways to carry on engaging users and stakeholders during COVID-19 restrictions. ‘Payments’ is one of the core shared technology platforms outlined in Scotland’s Digital Strategy. It is also...

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