
  • Digital Triage for Covid-19

    14th August 2020 by

    Blog by Liam Anderson, Business Analyst, Product and Commercial Division. Before the UK was put into lockdown, the Product and Commercial Division, based in the Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate, were mobilised to form a Digital Triage Team. The Covid-19 pandemic triggered an extraordinary demand for digital solutions for health, digital health, economy and education, with...

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  • User research in a changing world

    23rd June 2020 by

    Nicola Hancock, blogs about her experience of being a User Researcher in a changing world. What I do (or did?) My role as a User Researcher is to involve people who use a service to understand what they need from it. We do this in a number of ways, like interviews, surveys, workshops and user...

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  • Tales from lockdown – Marion Ballantyne, Stakeholder and Communications Portfolio Manager talks about her experience

    10th June 2020 by

    Blog by Marion Ballantyne, Stakeholder and Communications Portfolio Manager, Connectivity Division. It took about half an hour for me to realise I’d underestimated the difference between working from home during lockdown and regular home working. Now that I was sharing my space, my desk in the spare room overnight became a communal hotdesk, with no booking...

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  • Lockdown diary 2020 : tools and tips from a Digital Mum

    14th May 2020 by

    Blog post by Anusree Raju, Senior Interaction Designer in the Digital Directorate – and Digital Mum! At the start of lockdown, Jono Ellis gave us some tools and tips for surviving lockdown life as a Digital Dad. In the eighth week of lockdown, when many of us may be in need of a few more...

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