Funeral Industry News
Face Coverings Made Compulsory At Funeral Services
7th August 2020 by funeral-industry-news
We have previously stated in our funeral services guidance that funeral service attendees should seriously consider wearing a face covering, particularly if in an enclosed space. From 8 August, wearing a face covering at an indoor funeral service will no longer be advised, it will be compulsory. Everyone attending an indoor funeral service will be...
Test And Protect Guidance And The Funeral Industry
29th July 2020 by funeral-industry-news
Scotland’s ‘Test and Protect – Multi-sector guidance on collection of customer and visitor contact details – July 2020’ was published on 14 July and came into effect on 15 July. This Test and Protect guidance applies across a number of sectors and services. This includes cremation authorities, burial authorities, places of worship and funeral director...
Updates To Guidance To Align With Phase 3 Of The Route Map
17th July 2020 by funeral-industry-news
This week we have updated all our guidance documents to coincide with the wider changes that have come about as a result of moving further into Phase 3 of the Route Map. Changes include the easing of restrictions on funeral service attendance from 15 July, introduction of a maximum cap of 20 attendees at funerals,...
[Updated: 30/07/2020] Funeral Service Attendance Continues To Be Limited To A Maximum Of 20 People With Physical Distancing
10th July 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The First Minister Nicola Surgeon has today (30 July) set out the next steps in phase 3 of Scotland’s coronavirus route map. No changes to funeral services were announced. What does this mean? We continue to advise that no more than 20 people should attend a funeral service in person. This applies to both indoor and outdoor...
Face Coverings Mandatory From 10 July
10th July 2020 by funeral-industry-news
Staying safe and keeping others safe by wearing face coverings* has been made mandatory from today (10 July) in shops and retail settings, and in private hire vehicles. New guidance is available, with also dedicated guidance for retail settings. This requirement applies to funeral director businesses. Please read the guidance through in full and take...
Mental Health And Well-being Support Available For Workers And Businesses Of Scotland’s Funeral Industry
1st July 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The coronavirus outbreak has changed daily life for all of us in Scotland. It’s had a real impact on how many of us are feeling. Below you’ll find mental health and well-being resources to support both people and businesses during and after the crisis, including for the funeral industry. Other resources are available too, however,...
Emergency PPE Supplies For Funeral Directors Available Through Our Contractor Lyreco
9th June 2020 by funeral-industry-news
[See this post for related information from 25 September 2020] If you are a funeral director in Scotland and are in need of emergency PPE supplies, please download and send this Excel form with the information requested in both tabs completed. Then save it and send it directly to our third-party contractor Lyreco at: Any questions about the form...
Deceased Management Advisory Group’s New Guidance On Body Bags, PVC And Coffin Contents
7th May 2020 by funeral-industry-news
The Deceased Management Advisory Group (DMAG), which consists of representative bodies from across the funeral industry, has issued a short guidance note that echoes the Scottish Government’s position on appropriate usage of body bags when handling COVID-19 confirmed infected, or suspected, deceased. Please view this via their website here.
Social Security Scotland Update
28th April 2020 by funeral-industry-news
Social Security Scotland has outlined below what it is doing to try and ease the pressure for funeral directors during the coronavirus pandemic. Relaxing eligibility timescales Funeral Support Payment continues to only be available to people in Scotland, who are on certain benefits or tax credits, who had the nearest relationship to the deceased, and...
Testing For Key Workers Who Are COVID-19 Symptomatic In Scotland
26th April 2020 by funeral-industry-news
Access to COVID-19 testing in Scotland has been widened and that includes to funeral industry workers, if showing symptoms of COVID-19. Please see this publication from 25 April: Coronavirus (COVID-19): testing for key workers in Scotland. It sets out how tests are available. We won’t include details in this post, as the publication states it...