Marine Directorate Communications

Written 89 posts

Food and Drink Fortnight – Focus on fishermen working during coronavirus

5th September 2020

In the first of this series we hear from fishermen who received hardship funding from the Scottish Government and hear how this has helped them during challenging circumstances.

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Seafood sector preparations for the end of the EU Exit Transition Period

2nd September 2020

A collection of guidance and advice on the the main topics seafood exporters and importers will need to consider in preparing for the end of the EU Exit Transition Period.

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Marine Scotland Science publications for July

10th August 2020

Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications.

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Recent Marine Scotland Science Publications

16th July 2020

Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications.

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Recent Marine Scotland Science Publications

9th June 2020

Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications: Armstrong, J.D., Branding, A., Main, R., Mitchell, A., Morris, D. & Ounsley, J. (2020). Science for crafting…

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Recent Marine Scotland Science Publications

6th May 2020

Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications: Auer, S.K., Bassar, R.D., Turek, D., Anderson, G.J., McKelvey, S., Armstrong, J.D., Nislow, K.H., Downie, H.K., Morgan,…

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Scottish Apprenticeship Week – Mark Rennie

3rd March 2020

Scottish Apprenticeship Week is underway and this year’s theme is ‘talent without limits’. We hear from Mark Rennie, Marine Scotland Science, who successfully completed the Modern Apprenticeship programme and has who has been nominated for Engineering Apprentice of the Year. “I applied for a mechanical engineering apprenticeship with the Scottish Government after being made redundant….

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Demersal Trawling with the Scotia

17th February 2020

MRV Scotia Programme Survey: 0320S Duration: 16 February – 9 March 2020 Objectives: Demersal trawling survey of the grounds off the north and west of Scotland in ICES Subarea 6a. Obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station. Collect additional biological data in connection with the EU Data Collection Framework…

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Survey of Scallop Stocks around Shetland Islands

27th January 2020

MRV Alba na Mara Programme Survey: 0220A Duration: 25 January – 9 February 2020 Fishing Gear: Scallop dredges Objectives: 1. To carry out a survey of scallop stocks around the Shetland Islands. 2. To age, measure and assess shell damage on all scallops caught. 3. To collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and…

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Demersal Trawling Survey in North Sea

27th January 2020

MRV Scotia Programme Survey: 0220S Duration: 24 January – 13 February 2020 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear A & B; MIK Net (Round Frame with IK depressor); MIKeyM net (attached onto the MIK net on selected stations)   Objective: 1. To complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area…

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