Marine Directorate Communications

Written 89 posts

Getting to the Bottom of things

23rd January 2018

Duration: 23 January – 12 February 2018 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear A & B MIK Net (Round Frame with IK depressor) MIKeyM net (attached onto the MIK net on selected stations) Objectives: To complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area IV. To undertake…

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Hearing things with COMPASS

29th November 2017

On November 6th the Alba na Mara set sail once more to deploy acoustic listening devices in the west coast of Scotland. A total of six moorings containing broadband sound recording devices and cetacean echolocation “click detectors” were to be deployed during the trip. The map below gives the planned locations for deployment. These deployments…

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Testing the water with an International Bottom Trawl Survey

13th November 2017

Duration: 13 November – 3 December 2017 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers) Objectives: To participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey. To obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. To collect additional biological data in connection with the EU data collection framework (DCF). Procedures:…

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Looking for flatfish with the Sir John Murray

30th October 2017

Duration: 31 October – 8 November 2017 Sampling Gear: Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) – 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end SEPA – Demersal trawl with 50 mm cod-end SEPA – Day grab and table Marine Scotland Science (MSS) – Catamaran and neuston net Objectives: To undertake flatfish and sediment sampling in the…

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Where do fish live?

23rd October 2017

Last week, our scientists were involved in a programme aimed at providing fine-scale data on the habitat associations of cod, haddock and whiting at a key period in their life history – following the transition from pelagic to demersal habitat. The programme also provided them with an opportunity to add to the fish trap and fixed-position baited underwater…

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Jointly Surveying Marine Protected Areas

20th October 2017

Duration: 20 October – 9 November 2017 Fishing Gear TV drop frame and wiring harness TV sledge and wiring harness Valeport mini-CTD 0.25m2 USNEL BSL Box core 0.1m mini Hamon grab 0.1m Day Grab (backup) 0.1m Van Veen Grab (backup) Background Marine Scotland Science (MSS) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) will undertake an…

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Clyde Herring Acoustic Survey

18th October 2017

Duration: 20 October – 3 November 2017   Sampling Equipment: PT154, CTD Objectives: To conduct an acoustic survey designed to survey both the open and enclosed areas of the Clyde to ultimately provide an estimate of the abundance and distribution of herring and sprat. To obtain samples of herring and sprat for biological analysis, including…

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Clyde 2020 – Sampling the sediment

11th October 2017

Duration: 13-17 October 2017 Fishing Gear: Craib corer Day Grab – 0.1m2 Autosieve (0.5mm & 1mm mesh sieves) CTD Objectives: To map spatial distribution of sediment characteristics, infauna composition, pore-water nutrients and organic matter content within the inner Firth of Clyde, Clyde sea lochs and Clyde Estuary. To map the relationship between mean particle grain…

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The Buckland Foundation lecture – 12 October 2017

3rd October 2017

The Buckland Foundation: Stewards of the Sea: Returning Power to Fishers Thursday 12 October 2017, The Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, St Andrews, KY16 9LA, 16.30 for 17.00. Free Entry & Refreshments Available. The Scottish presentation of the 2017 Buckland Lecture will be in the Byre Theatre at the University of St Andrews on Thursday 12 October…

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