Supporting a new approach to fisheries management
18th February 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Scottish Inshore Fisheries Integrated Data System (SIFIDS) project, funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and administered by the Scottish Government saw more than 130 vessel skippers in 43 ports around Scotland host research trips, have tracking and/or scanning devices installed, take part in surveys and contribute significantly to equipment and software development.
Shetland scallop assessment
8th February 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
An assessment of Shetland scallop was the focus of the Marine Research Vessel Alba na Mara’s most recent survey.
Seafood scheme goes live
5th February 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Applications are now available for a new £6.45 million funding scheme for fishers and small aquaculture businesses impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and EU Exit.
What lies beneath
26th January 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
In Scotland's Marine Assessment 2020, our recently published web portal looking at the state of our seas, one of the case studies - Case study: Nova Innovation - Shetland Tidal Array highlights the role tidal energy can play in reaching our net zero ambitions and showing just how much power can be generated by one tidal turbine.
Rural Economy Secretary letter to UK Government on crab claw exports to the EU
22nd January 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing has written to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on issues relating to crab claw exports to the EU.
Protecting Scotland’s seas
13th January 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Marine Scotland is the directorate of the Scottish Government responsible for the management of Scotland’s seas. It has operational responsibility for monitoring and ensuring compliance with marine regulations within the British Fishery Limits, where Scotland has devolved powers.
New website for Regional Inshore Fisheries Group Network
5th January 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
A new website to provide fishers with a source of up to date information has been launched by Scotland’s Regional Inshore Fisheries Group (RIFG) network.
Brexit deal means drop in key fishing stocks
29th December 2020 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Brexit fisheries deal negotiated by the UK Government will mean a fall in the quantity of key fishing stocks landed by the Scottish fleet, according to Scottish Government analysis.
Scientist in Charge Pathway in Action
29th December 2020 by Marine Scotland Communications
Berit Rabe writes about the SIC (Scientist-In-Charge) Pathway, a new initiative at Marine Scotland Science to provide a structured approach to training new SICs.
Sea lice reporting to be mandatory
21st December 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
A new Order was laid in the Scottish Parliament on 21 December which supports the Scottish Government’s implementation of sea lice policy and management of sea lice on fish farms.