
  • MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 2316A Programme

    12th December 2016 by

    MRV Alba na Mara

    Duration: 8-21 December 2016 Equipment: Sandeel dredge × 2 (modified 4′ scallop dredge with 6″ teeth and spare toothbars) with towing bar and camera attachment. TV camera. Minilogger (or equivalent – i.e. DST). Objectives: To determine the abundance, length and age of sandeels in the sediment from regions east of the Firth of Forth and...

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  • Marine engineers develop a new drop frame and camera system

    9th December 2016 by

    Marine Scotland Engineering staff have a history of building bespoke kit for scientists over a number of years. Most recently they have been working on the research vessel Alba na Mara to develop a new drop frame and stereo image system to increase our benthic monitoring capabilities. This system is used by both Marine Scotland scientists and...

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  • MRV Alba na Mara: Survey 2216A Programme

    8th December 2016 by

    MRV Alba na Mara

    Duration: 2-6 December 2016 Sampling Gear: BT 158 with 50 mm cod-end; 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end; Day grab and table; and Catamaran and manta neuston net. Objectives: To undertake flatfish sampling in St Andrews Bay, inner Firth of Forth, outer Firth of Forth and the Forth estuary in support of the...

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  • Musing the Multi-Uses in European Seas

    7th December 2016 by

    A team of experts, led by Marine Scotland, has embarked on a new project to look at how European seas are currently being used and what could be the real multi-uses opportunities. The Multi-Use in European Seas (MUSES) project, which will run until 31 October 2018, will review the existing processes used across the EU for marine and coastal...

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  • Scientists take ‘blue-action’ to help society cope with the impacts of dramatic Arctic climate changes

    6th December 2016 by

    Polar bear copyright Dirk Notz, MPG

    While the Arctic faces rapid warming and less sea ice currently covers the Arctic Ocean than ever before at this time of the year, an international partnership launches a major project to improve our detailed understanding of the processes and impacts of this changing climate and to construct better long-term forecast systems for the increasingly...

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  • Getting CORPORATE in Latvia

    5th December 2016 by

    Last week, the MarCRF project CORPORATES which includes researchers from Marine Scotland, was presented at the 2nd Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning Forum, in Riga, Latvia. The conference focused on marine planning in the Baltic Sea, particularly how to plan across countries borders. VASAB and ICES organised the conference, which served as the Baltic SCOPE project’s...

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  • Fisheries data brought to life with a new interactive tool

    2nd December 2016 by

    Fisheries visualisation

    Marine Scotland’s Analytical Unit has developed a new interactive data visualisation tool as an easy way to view changes in fish landings into Scotland by Scottish registered vessels. Showing weight and value of landings from 2000-2015, information can be viewed for Scotland as a whole or for one of the 18 administrative districts: Aberdeen Fishery Office Anstruther Fishery Office...

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  • Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – November 2016

    1st December 2016 by

    Peterhead Fish Market

    This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit is now available with the most up to date information about the fish price index, nephrops prices and key facts and figures on Scottish fisheries, and also includes an article and link to the new Scottish Sea Fisheries interactive visualisation. We will also be doing a blog about...

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  • MRV Alba na Mara Survey 2116A programme

    28th November 2016 by

    MRV Alba na Mara

    Duration: 17-30 November 2016 Gear: Surface and subsurface PAM moorings Objectives: To retrieve a series of moorings comprising dhan buoys (seven surface marked moorings) or acoustic release systems (23 subsurface moorings) and the acoustic recording devices attached to them (30 C-POD and 10 SM2M/SM3M) as part of the east coast marine mammal monitoring programme (see...

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  • MRV Scotia Survey 1716S programme

    25th November 2016 by

    Scotia in Scapa Flow by Michael Stewart

    Duration: 17 November – 7 December 2016 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: To participate in the ICES co-ordinated western division demersal trawling survey. To obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. To collect additional biological data in connection with the EU data collection framework (DCF). Procedures:...

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