
  • #Walktaework

    13th August 2015 by

    To celebrate the benefits of walking to work, people across Scotland are being asked to share a photo of their walking journey. Whatever you see, we want you to share it. The people who capture the best ‪#‎WalkTaeWork‬ photos will win a brand new Fitbit Charge HR! Capture an image from your walk to work, post...

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  • Tracking the ocean

    11th August 2015 by

    Seven ocean drifters have been released off the West of Shetland as part of the latest Marine Scotland Science research to track ocean currents. Understanding ocean currents is essential in planning for any emergency situation in our seas, while the data can also help scientists measure environmental trends such as climate change. The drifters, which...

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  • The Torry clean-up continues

    9th August 2015 by

    Volunteers from Marine Scotland, the Marine Conservation Society, Dolphinwatch  other local colleagues are continuing with the regular beach cleaning near the Marine Laboratory in Aberdeen. Most recently, they were joined by local dog-walkers, so everyone seems to be joining in. So far the total clean up effort, which has included more that 80 volunteers and 235 hours of...

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  • Reminder: Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan consultation

    7th August 2015 by

    This is a reminder that the pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan, along with supporting documents, has been developed by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council and is now out for public consultation until 6 September 2015. It is important that we receive your comments...

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  • MRV Alba na Mara: survey 1315A programme

    6th August 2015 by

    Duration: 1-10 September 2015 Equipment: 2 x BT 201 Prawn net – One rigged with separator panel and two 80mm codends – one rigged with a single live capture codend Grid with separator bar 80mm codend with SMP Trawl doors Sweeps, bridles, backstrops and pennants Spare netting and twine PSL5000 light unit x 2 2 x...

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  • MRV Alba na Mara: survey 1215A programme

    5th August 2015 by

    Duration: 12 – 28 August 2015 Gear: 60 mm prawn trawl BT 201 2 x Day grabs and 1 x sieving table Towed TV sledge, 600m umbilical towing cable and cameras (plus backup) TV drop frame (large version) Lasers and bracket for drop frame Prawn sorting table  Objectives To obtain estimates of the distribution and...

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  • Recreation and Tourism Survey

    3rd August 2015 by

    Marine Scotland is launching its first national survey of recreation and tourism around the Scottish coast and seas. It covers a vast array of activities and tourism businesses in, on or next to the sea and by telling us who does what and where the survey will help recreation be appropriately recognised in the marine...

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  • Life on a research vessel – sampling on the MRV Scotia in the Faroe Shetland Channel

    31st July 2015 by

    Ever wondered what it’s like being on a research vessel? We’ve just added a new film to our Youtube channel to give you an idea of just that. Filmed over a number of years, this short programme shows some of the research work that is carried out by the Marine Scotland scientists on board the MRV Scotia. The...

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  • Marine Analytical Unit monthly update – 30 July 2015

    30th July 2015 by

    This month’s update from the Marine Analytical Unit has been published, featuring an article reporting on “Approaches to cost reduction in the offshore wind industry”. Read the full update

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  • Ocean Literacy Survey

    29th July 2015 by

    Work is currently ongoing to gather information on “Ocean Literacy” in the UK –  understanding the ocean’s influence on you and your influence on the ocean. A survey has been created, that is part of a research project and based on a framework developed in the United States, that intends to assist institutions in the UK in improving their techniques for imparting ocean...

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