138 returned results for 'MRV Scotia'
Marine Mammals, Sediment Sampling and Looking for a Missing Buoy
MRV Alba na Mara Survey: 1819A Duration: 21 – 31 October 2019 Objectives: Recover and redeploy marine mammal monitoring moorings with acoustic releases, at eight sites in the Sea of the Hebrides and North Minch. Collect sediment samples at a number of sites south of Skye. Attempt to locate and recover ‘missing’ buoy close to…
21st October 2019
MarPAMM Project
MRV Alba na Mara Programme Survey 0719A Duration: 13-15 May 2019 Sampling Gear & Equipment: 3 x marine mammal monitoring moorings to be deployed 80 kg clump weight Vemco VR2AR acoustic release Loggerhead DSG-ST sound recorder Chelonia C-POD Overview: Survey 0719A aims to deploy three marine mammal and underwater noise monitoring moorings at sites in…
13th May 2019
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person – Lynda Blackadder
2018 is both the Year of the Engineer and the Year of the Young Person and this month we have another blog about one of our many colleagues who inspire the next generation with their Outreach work. Meet Lynda Blackadder, an aspiring ballet dance but currently a Fisheries Data Analyst and Modeller in the Coastal and…
19th July 2018
So, how were the nephrops?
At the beginning of January, we blogged about the research adventures of the Alba na Mara as she went off in search of nephrops. The Scientist in Charge of that survey got back in touch with us to let us know how they’d got on: The west coast TV survey abroad Alba na Mara spent…
19th January 2018
Watching nephrops on TV
Duration: 6 – 22 January 2018 Gear Large TV drop frame TV sledge 1 x 600m umbilical towing cable 1 x armoured cable Video cameras and associated equipment (plus backup) Four lasers and 60cm bracket for the drop frame 1 x BT201 prawn trawl (plus minimal spares) Day grab and table Prawn sorting table Go…
5th January 2018
There be prawns!
Earlier, we posted information about the 7th research survey that our research vessel, the Alba na Mara was doing. Here we have the final blog from the Scientist in Charge on that survey, Adrian Weetman: Following the long journey from Fladen to the west coast on Monday 12th June, the annual Nephrops Under Water TV Survey began working in…
22nd June 2017
New data portal on deep-water Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the North Atlantic released
Knowing where the various deepwater habitats and species exist is important for conservation and management. Over the last 5 years, Marine Scotland scientist Dr Francis Neat has been working with the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) – a global organisation that develops science and advice to support the sustainable use of…
23rd February 2016
Undersea lost world – found!
Tantalising evidence that there might be a unique and unknown ecosystem lying off the coast of Scotland has led to the discovery of a lost world beneath the sea. Following up on a research cruise in Scottish waters in 2012 when scientists spotted previously unknown creatures brought up from the seabed, a collaborative expedition set…
5th October 2015
A day worth opening our doors for
On Saturday 12 September, the Marine Laboratory opened its doors to the public as part of ‘Aberdeen Doors Open Day’. What a day it was! We were a very popular location with visitors arriving as soon as we opened at 10 am. Throughout the day there was a continuous stream of people which meant that…
15th September 2015
Our doors are (nearly) open
The preparations have begun, and are in full swing, in the Marine Laboratory for tomorrow’s Doors Open Day event. Why not join us for a tour around some of our buildings on the campus and learn more about our history – did you know we have been here, in Torry, since 1923? There will also…
11th September 2015