162 returned results for 'research vessel'

  • Gear Selectivity in the Moray Firth

    MRV Alba na Mara Survey 1919A   Duration: 4 – 12 November 2019   Gear: Trawl BT201; Net mounted camera system; Scanmar instrumentation; Seltra box incorporating a 300mm square mesh panel   Objectives: To undertake catch comparison trials using a Seltra sorting box rigged into the extension of the BT201. Target species will be commercial gadoids,…

    5th November 2019

  • Exploring the Effects of Climate Change on Marine Food Webs

    Three researchers (T. Regnier, F. M. Gibb and P. J. Wright) from Marine Scotland Science (MSS) have had their paper entitled “Understanding temperature effects on recruitment in the context of trophic mismatch” published in the journal Scientific Reports.  The paper looks to address the impacts of climate change in Scotland’s marine environment and fish stocks….

    29th October 2019

  • All Eyes on New Worm Species

    There’s a worm at the bottom of the sea – and it’s been discovered off the Scottish coast by a team of scientists from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Marine Scotland Science (MSS) and Thomson Environmental Consultants. But this isn’t an ordinary worm – the newcomer has a unique anatomy with its eyes in…

    18th June 2019

  • Reviewing our Year of Science

    Today sees the publication of our Annual Science Review for 2017/18. The Review, which highlights the impacts and achievements of Marine Scotland Science (MSS), details the overall contribution and support that our scientists make to the work of Marine Scotland. During this period we have published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and supported more than 75…

    18th January 2019

  • How Mature are Nephrops?

    Survey : 1318A MRV Alba na Mara Duration: 25 August – 10 September 2018 Objectives: Obtain estimates of the distribution and abundance of Nephrops burrows in the Firth of Forth and the Moray Firth using underwater cameras. Use the TV footage to record the occurrence of other benthic fauna and evidence of commercial trawling activity….

    4th September 2018

  • Deploying fish traps and underwater video camera frames

    Survey: 1218H – MRV Actinia   Duration: 2-7 September 2018   Fishing Gear: 12 fish traps (6 fleets of 2 traps) 2 baited remote underwater video camera (SBRUV) frames 4 LED light assemblies in GPH housing 4 SJ6 Legend cameras and custom-built underwater housings   Objectives: To deploy fish traps over various habitat types within…

    3rd September 2018

  • Celebrating the Year of the Engineer with a father and son – Danny Copland

    Last month, as part of our celebrations of the Year of the Engineer as well as the Year of Young People, we introduced you to one half of our father and son Engineering team – dad Phil Copland. This month, as promised, son Danny Copland gets his own back! Who are you and what do you do? My name is…

    7th August 2018

  • Testing the Water with the MRV Scotia

    Survey: 1018S MRV Scotia Duration: 21-25 July 2018 Objectives: Deploy an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drone from Scotia to monitor turbulence in the Pentland Firth over the MeyGen site, at the South end of Stroma. Record distribution of seabirds/mammals. Record multi-frequency acoustic data using the on board Simrad EK60 scientific echosounder. Record data using the…

    20th July 2018

  • Scallop Stock Assessment

    Survey: 1018A Duration: 4-23 July 2018 Fishing Gear: Scallop dredges Objectives To carry out a survey of scallop stocks on the East Coast. To age, measure and assess shell damage on all scallops caught. To collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and shellfish species. To identify and quantify numbers of starfish species in…

    6th July 2018

  • Live and Acoustic with Herring and the Sprats

    Survey: 0918S Duration: 28 June – 20 July 2018 Sampling Gear: Midwater trawls PT160 x 3; Demersal trawl (BT237); Seabird 19plus CTD; GoPro cameras x 2 with underwater housings and lights; and Scanmar trawl eye sensor. Objectives: To conduct an acoustic survey to estimate the abundance and distribution of herring in the north western North…

    26th June 2018