Understanding behaviour of Northeast Atlantic mackerel
21st June 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Scientists from Marine Scotland have been involved in a survey sampling mackerel eggs in the Arctic Circle. Four scientists from Marine Scotland, which is the Scottish Government Directorate responsible for the integrated management of Scotland’s seas, joined the crew of the chartered vessel Marine Fishing Vessel (MFV) Altaire to survey mackerel spawning activity within the…
Retain and report American lobster
24th May 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
A campaign has launched to help raise awareness of American lobster.
Guidance for anglers during Coronavirus
15th April 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Continuing progress to reduce the spread of the coronavirus in Scotland, coupled with the roll-out of the vaccine programme and other measures, means that there has been further easing of the restrictions from Friday 16 April, with a move to Level 3 across Scotland from 26 April.
Angling is now permissible for groups of up to 6 people from 6 separate households. Children under the age of 12 from these households do not count towards this number.
Additional quota opportunities for Scottish fleet
24th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Scotland will use its share of additional fishing opportunities to deliver quota to active fishers, expand opportunities for the inshore fleet and help reduce business costs.
New Marine Fund Scotland launches
20th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Investments and jobs in seafood sectors, the marine environment and coastal communities will be supported through a new marine fund.
Spotlight on Fishermen’s Mission
18th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
‘Don’t struggle in silence’ is the message from the chief executive of a charity that has seen an influx in calls and requests from fishers impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the EU Exit over the last year.
Outcome of UK/EU/Norway negotiations
16th March 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The trilateral fisheries negotiations between UK, the EU and Norway have concluded with quotas agreed for a number of shared stocks.
Engaging the fishing industry in marine environmental survey and monitoring
16th March 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Surveys using local information from fishers have been used to better understand marine life in and around Scotland’s network of Marine Protected Areas.
Scottish anglers wanted for Sea Angling Diary
15th March 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Sea Angling Diary Project which is funded by the Scottish Government, UK Government and devolved governments of Wales and Northern Ireland, is encouraging 2,000 sea anglers to sign up to a free mobile app to record their fishing activity and catches.
Brexit deal means drop in key fishing stocks
29th December 2020 by Marine Scotland Communications
The Brexit fisheries deal negotiated by the UK Government will mean a fall in the quantity of key fishing stocks landed by the Scottish fleet, according to Scottish Government analysis.