Building Standards

  • Guidance Changes in the Building Standards Procedural Handbook

    1st October 2019 by

    The updated Building Standards Procedural Handbook is published on the Scottish Government website. Version 1.6 of the 3rd edition is the version to be used from 1 October 2019. This post covers the main guidance changes. Roles and responsibilities We have strengthened guidance on roles and responsibilities of people involved in a building project. The...

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  • Refreshing the Building Standards Procedural Handbook

    22nd August 2019 by

    Guidance on the building standards system for all Most regular users of the building standards system will be familiar with the technical standards and guidance set out in the Technical Handbooks (or “building regs” as most refer to them). The Procedural Handbook provides guidance on all aspects of the building standards system from the building...

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  • Reshaping the Building Standards System

    13th August 2019 by

    Everyone benefits from well-designed, safe and sustainable buildings, spaces and places. Our built environment contributes a great deal to our quality of life and economic success. However, recent events have demonstrated that we have taken it for granted and this has come at a substantial cost. Building safety The Grenfell Tower Fire in London brought...

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  • Welcome to the Building Standards Blog

    2nd August 2019 by

    As Head of Building Standards at the Scottish Government, I’m keenly aware of the need for us to share information about the work of the Building Standards Division.  I’m delighted to publish the first post to let you know what to expect to see here in future.  Our blog is a place where anyone with...

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