
Data maturity information sessions for public sector organisations

May 1, 2024 by No Comments | Category Data, Data Maturity, Digital Scotland

Blog by Sally Kerr, Data Transformation Lead in Digital Directorate’s Technical Data Policy team.

Better use of data is fundamental to driving efficiency and innovation in our public services and our economy, to deliver better outcomes for the people of Scotland.

For public sector organisations to understand how to use their data effectively, it is important that they start from a baseline which will identify strengths and weaknesses such as the status of their data, the culture in the organisation and the resources they have available.

The Data Maturity Programme Scottish Government is running with the Scottish public sector can help organisations understand this baseline as well as what they want to achieve with data and how to set achievable outcomes.

The Programme has now been running for over three years and we have completed four cohorts during this period. We have worked with cohorts to review and refine the project design to suit their needs and for the cohorts in 2023/24 the project arc has provided the space and time organisations need to focus on the outcomes they want to achieve for their use of data. The cohorts are supported by a Scottish Government project team and an experienced external consultant who together guide participants through the three stages of the project – from preparation, to learning and then planning.

We are starting now to develop case studies that demonstrate the value of going through this programme – the opportunity to engage with colleagues about data, identify areas to address through the Data Maturity Assessment and identify priorities and next steps for a data improvement plan, customised to specific needs in an organisation. Some of these next steps that Organisations have chosen to take are developments of data strategies, implementing data governance, carrying out data audits and building an incremental programme of data projects that are helping their organisations to deliver corporate plans and improve service delivery.

In addition to being part of the cohort the project also includes training opportunities, expert speakers and one to one support from the central project team. For those taking part the peer-to-peer networking has provided one of the most valuable areas, sharing challenges, knowledge and materials. A data maturity network will be launching shortly to provide further opportunities for all cohort participants to meet, share updates and be offered further resources and targeted events.

A fifth cohort of the Data Maturity Project will be taking place in Autumn 2024 and for any public sector organisation interested in taking part we will be holding an information session on 30th May at 9.30am. To register please use this link: Data Maturity Cohort 5: information session Tickets, Thurs 30 May at 09:30 | Ticket Tailor

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