
  • Research Data Scotland – Progress and priorities

    22nd February 2021 by

    Blog by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician, Scottish Government and Interim CEO, Research Data Scotland. Research Data Scotland’s mission is to improve the health, economic, social and environmental wellbeing of Scotland by enabling innovation and research through access to data for research in the public good. It will also aim to attract investment into Scotland by...

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  • Data access for the public good

    30th November 2020 by

    Blog by Tom Andrews, Communications and Engagement Manager, Statistics and Data Access Division. The Statistics and Data Access Division has been working with the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) to make data linkage – the linking of administrative data created by one organisation or department to that from another – in Scotland more...

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  • Online behaviour during lockdown

    29th June 2020 by

    Blog by Hazel Cargill, Digital Analyst, Digital Transformation Division. ‘Unprecedented’ may be the word of 2020. We keep hearing we are living in unprecedented times, with unprecedented demands on ourselves, as individuals, as family members, and as citizens in our communities. Demand on our Scottish Government websites could also be described as unprecedented, with more...

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  • Launch of 2020 Analytical Exchange programme

    3rd February 2020 by

    Blog by Professor Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician & Data Officer, Scottish Government The Analytical Exchange programme matches analysts working in Scotland with voluntary sector organisations requesting help around data, analysis, statistics and research on very short sharp projects. These can be anywhere between an afternoon to 10 working days. Individuals or small groups of statisticians,...

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  • Sharing and Reuse Conference: Bucharest 2019

    21st June 2019 by

    Blog by Sophie Finlayson, Scottish Government – Data, Statistics and Digital Identity Division. We wanted to share a few of the highlights from the European Commission’s Sharing and Reuse Conference which Roger Halliday and the Data Standards team attended in Bucharest last week. What’s it all about? The European Commission run a programme called ISA2...

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  • Making our data machine readable

    7th June 2019 by

    The Data Standards team are based in Atlantic Quay in Glasgow and are working to improve the interoperability of public sector data by helping computers understand what our data means. So much data and information is available to us everyday but it’s not always in a format that we, the public, or computers (that act...

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  • Analytical Exchange programme – Now open for bids

    24th January 2019 by

    A blog by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician and Head of Performance, Scottish Government.  The Analytical Exchange programme aims to offer free support to 3rd sector organisations in Scotland around data, analysis, statistics and research. It does this by matching analysts working the Scottish public sector with 3rd sector organisations needing help on very short sharp...

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  • Online Identity Assurance – opportunity to attend next National Stakeholder Meeting

    17th October 2018 by

    As work of the Online Identity Assurance programme approaches the start of the prototyping ‘alpha’ phase next month, it’s that time again for our National Stakeholder Group  meeting. In the last blog  post, we outlined the work we were planning to do with Open Identity Exchange (OIX). Since then, the project team has held 2...

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  • Online Identity Assurance – Join us in our proof of concept phase

    29th August 2018 by

    Organisations involved in digital identity are now being invited to get involved with the forthcoming Alpha phase of the Online Identity Assurance project. As we highlighted in our last blog, we have joined the non-profit collaborative Open Identity Exchange (OIX) in order to gain greater exposure to people and organisations with interest in issues around...

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  • Online Identity Assurance – Listening to your views

    1st June 2018 by

    As we enter June, preparations are now in full swing for the next Online Identity Assurance National Stakeholder Group meeting on Tuesday 19 June. At that meeting, people who use Scottish public services, representatives of organisations that provide them and anyone else who wants to attend will get the latest update on what we in...

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