
  • Online Identity Assurance – approaching the next phase

    18th May 2018 by

    As the Online Identity Assurance project gets set to enter its next phase, recent activity has been focussed on capturing what we have learned since the project kicked off last year. Past months have seen the Scottish Government project team work closely with members of the public, a range of partner organisations and technical specialists...

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  • Earth Observation in the Scottish Public Sector

    14th December 2017 by

    Guest post from Shona Nicol, Head of the Geographical Information Science & Analysis Team The Geographical Information Science & Analysis Team sits within the Digital Directorate of Scottish Government. One of our key areas of work is leading on the Earth Observation (EO) policy for the Scottish Public Sector. This post will outline some of the key areas...

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  • Online Identity Assurance

    6th December 2017 by

    The Scottish Government’s Digital Strategy contains the commitment to work with stakeholders, privacy interests and members of the public to develop a robust, secure and trustworthy mechanism by which an individual member of the public can demonstrate their identity online, to access public sector digital services. This important work is now up and running and...

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  • What is happening around Data as a result of Scotland’s Digital Future: Delivery of Public Services?

    24th January 2014 by

    A Data Vision for Scotland in 2020 Why Now? There is a global data revolution taking place.  Every day the amount and range of data being produced increases and new tools and techniques are being developed to help us all access and analyse data.  More importantly, we are recognising the value of data to society...

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