170 returned results for 'scotia'

  • Water Sampling for Long-Term Monitoring

    Survey: MRV Scotia 1418S Duration: 5-15 October 2018 Procedure: Scotia will make her way to the eastern start of the Nolso – Flugga (NOL) section and start collecting long term monitoring samples and taking CTD profiles. On a previous trip – the 0618S survey – a mooring in an AL500 frame also failed to surface…

    15th October 2018

  • Celebrating the Year of the Engineer with Matt Geldart

    As we mentioned in our blog in January, 2018 is the Year of the Engineer as well as the Year of the Young Person. Over the course of the year, we’ve been introducing you to some of our incredibly talented engineers, as well as showing your some of their work. This month it’s the turn…

    9th October 2018

  • Rockall Haddock Trawling Survey – An update

    Survey: 1318S Rockall Haddock Trawling Survey Duration:  19 September – 1 October 2018 The 2018 Rockall haddock trawling survey got off to a blustery start with Scotia departing Aberdeen on the morning of the 19th September and heading straight into the teeth of Storm Ali; the first officially named storm of Autumn 2018. Gusts of…

    4th October 2018

  • Surveying the Haddock on the Rockall Plateau

    Survey: 1318S Rockall Haddock Survey Duration: 19 September – 1 October 2018 Fishing Gear: • GOV (Grand Overture Verticale) Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear D. Other Gear: • Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) Seabird 19+; and • Van Veen Grab. Objectives: • Undertake the bottom trawl survey of haddock on Rockall Bank to a depth…

    3rd October 2018

  • Amazing Footage at Half-landing for Survey 1218S

    It’s Monday the 3rd of September and since the last blog post the team here have been squirreling away, successfully collecting video data from all of the planned stations at Rosemary Bank Seamount and are starting to collect still photos and video from Wyville Thomson Ridge. The weather has delayed us a little on this…

    7th September 2018

  • The Latest News from Survey 1218S

    It is 3am and we’re on our way to Rosemary Bank. We’ve had three nights of towing the chariot across the different depths at Faroe Shetland Sponge Belt and three days of sampling the fish and benthic fauna with trawls, and we’ve seen lots of sponges, bizarre invertebrates, and fish. We’ve recorded lots of video…

    5th September 2018

  • SACs of Sponges

    Survey: 1218S MRV Scotia Duration: 21 August – 15 September 2018 Introduction: This survey programme outlines the monitoring survey requirements, following discussion between the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Marine Scotland Science (MSS), for three Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in Scottish waters which are: Faroe-Shetland Sponge Belt NCMPA (FSSB), Wyville Thompson Ridge SAC (WTR),…

    3rd September 2018

  • Come on in; our Doors are (nearly) Open!

    We are very proud (and quite excited) to announce that the Marine Laboratory will be participating in Doors Open Day (again) this year. Joining countless other hidden gems in Aberdeen City we will be open from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday 8 September which also corresponds with the first day of the Aberdeen…

    31st August 2018

  • Trawling with the Data Collectors

    Survey: 1118S MRV Scotia Duration: 28 July – 17 August 2018 Fishing Gear: Grande Overture Verticale (GOV) trawl (BT 137) with Ground Gear A and B Objectives: Complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in ICES area IV. Obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station using…

    10th August 2018

  • Celebrating the Year of the Engineer with a father and son – Danny Copland

    Last month, as part of our celebrations of the Year of the Engineer as well as the Year of Young People, we introduced you to one half of our father and son Engineering team – dad Phil Copland. This month, as promised, son Danny Copland gets his own back! Who are you and what do you do? My name is…

    7th August 2018