An Egg Hunt of Large Proportions
28th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0118H MRV Altaire (Part 3) Duration: 22nd May 2018 – 6th June 2018 This survey was tasked with providing answers to one very simple but, up to now, unanswered question. How much further west of the current survey extent would a mackerel egg survey need to go to secure a mackerel spawning boundary, in other...
Live and Acoustic with Herring and the Sprats
26th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0918S Duration: 28 June – 20 July 2018 Sampling Gear: Midwater trawls PT160 x 3; Demersal trawl (BT237); Seabird 19plus CTD; GoPro cameras x 2 with underwater housings and lights; and Scanmar trawl eye sensor. Objectives: To conduct an acoustic survey to estimate the abundance and distribution of herring in the north western North...
Today is the day of the Seafarer
25th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Today is the ‘Day of the Seafarer’ and to celebrate, we wanted to share a very special poem penned by our resident bard, net rigger and father of two Matt Kinghorn. It’s a little something for all of you who work at sea. Day of the Seafarer It’s not easy you know, going to sea, Maybe for some...
Introducing the European Marine Biological Resource Centre
25th June 2018 by Marine Scotland Communications
On the 19th of June 2018, the European Marine Biological Resource Centre celebrated its adoption as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (EMBRC-ERIC). Hosted by France and based in Paris, EMBRC-ERIC is a pan-European Research Infrastructure (RI) for marine biology and ecology research, providing state of the art facilities, technology platforms and advanced services to study...
Multi-tasking with the Scotia: Part 2
22nd June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
The second week on the Nephrops TV survey on Scotia was considerably less eventful than the first – thankfully! The work progressed well having travelled through the North Minch recovering and then deploying another COMPASS cetacean mooring at the Shiants, and then working down past Uist and Barra, replacing a third COMPASS mooring en route....
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person – Julia Black
21st June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
2018 is both the Year of the Engineer and the Year of the Young Person and this blog is about one of our many colleagues who are inspiring the next generation with their Outreach work. Meet Julia Black a Molecular Geneticist at Marine Scotland Science. Gummy bears and strawberry laces in science! Read on to...
What’s at our Disposal? The latest from the research vessel Alba na mara
20th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0918A Duration: 18 June – 1 July 2018 Sampling Gear: TV drop frame, TV winch and cable, 2 x day grabs and RoxAnn. Objectives To undertake grab, underwater television (UTV) and RoxAnn surveys of sea disposal sites and assess the condition of the seabed, identify the predominant benthic epifauna species, and the distribution of...
Multi-tasking with the Scotia
19th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Scotia left Aberdeen on 3rd June 2018 to begin survey 0818S – the ‘Annual Nephrops Underwater TV Survey’ (UWTV) – covering Fladen (North Sea), the North and South Minches, the Clyde, and the Sound of Jura. TV operations went well during the first day until the sea state worsened so the survey was halted until early on...
Benthic Biotopes in Barra
11th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0818A Duration: 8 – 14 June 2018 Gear: Seatronics drop frame (to be loaded 05.06.18) – SNH hire Seatronics lights (to be loaded 05.06.18) – SNH hire HD TV system + lights (5 plastic cages) Armoured cable + spare + axle stands & bar Day grab + table + 2 x sieve drawers Background...
What does one ware when you go to Arrochar?
8th June 2018 by Marine Scotland Communications
At the end of the last week in May, we – with help from a HUGE number of others including staff and volunteers from The GRAB Trust, Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority, Luss Estates, Marine Conservation Society, Keep Scotland Beautiful, Argyll and Bute Council, Zero Waste Scotland and the local community council – organised...