Celebrating 25 years of environmental monitoring
25th October 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Scottish Coastal Observatory (SCObs) is celebrating its 25th year of monitoring Scottish coastal seas. Operated by the Marine Scotland directorate of the Scottish Government, SCObs samples temperature, salt content (salinity), chemistry (nutrients, ocean acidification), microscopic plants (algal pigments, phytoplankton) and animals (zooplankton) weekly around the Scottish coast.
Supporting a collaborative approach to tackling marine litter
24th September 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
During Recycle Week (20-26 September) we are revisiting support the Scottish Government has provided to businesses and projects to enhance the protection, value and enjoyment of our marine environment.
Monitoring plastic beach litter
21st September 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Beaches in the north east of Scotland were up to six times cleaner between 2019 and 2020 compared to previous surveys in the area, a new scientific paper has found.
Dronetastic – Mapping Scotland’s seagrass habitats
17th September 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Scottish Government through the Scottish Blue Carbon Forum has supported the purchase of a drone for Project Seagrass. The equipment will be used to map Scotland’s seagrass habitats and support community mapping and habitat restoration projects.
Resources to reduce river temperatures and protect Atlantic Salmon
16th September 2021 by MS Communications
River temperature is a critical control on Atlantic salmon populations which are adapted to live in relatively cool water.
An investigation in Scottish coastal waters – Ocean Acidification Week 2021
15th September 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
By absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere the chemistry of the ocean changes and seawater becomes more acidic - this is known as Ocean Acidification.
Working group sets out improvements for langoustine sector
15th September 2021 by Marine Scotland Communications
Recommendations for delivering a profitable, sustainable and fair supply chain for the langoustine (Nephrops) industry have been set out in a new report published by a Scottish Government-formed working group.
New study into significance of Scottish saltmarsh
14th September 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
A new report has highlighted the significance of saltmarsh in Scotland for trapping and storing carbon, and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Surveying the Sponge Belt
2nd September 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland and JNCC have been undertaking the annual MPA monitoring trip in Scottish offshore waters aboard the Marine Research Vessel Scotia.
Collaboration is key for science
27th August 2021 by Marine Directorate Communications
Nephrops norvegicus, commonly known as langoustine or Dublin bay prawn, is the second most valuable seafood species landed in Scotland, and was worth over £80 million in 2019.