Digital Scotland Design System
25th August 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Today marks the launch of the Digital Scotland Design System. This post explains what a design system is, who it’s aimed at, and how you can get involved. Firstly, what’s a design system? A design system is a collection of reusable components (in code) that can be put together to quickly and easily build your...
Inclusive recruitment for digital roles – a different way of thinking
24th August 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Yorath Turner – Head of Digital Capability and Talent blogs about making recruitment more inclusive for digital roles in government. Did you know that around 1 in 7 people (more than 15% of people in the UK) are neurodivergent?* Being neurodivergent means that a person’s brain functions, learns and processes information differently. It includes Attention...
Digital Triage for Covid-19
14th August 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Liam Anderson, Business Analyst, Product and Commercial Division. Before the UK was put into lockdown, the Product and Commercial Division, based in the Scottish Government’s Digital Directorate, were mobilised to form a Digital Triage Team. The Covid-19 pandemic triggered an extraordinary demand for digital solutions for health, digital health, economy and education, with...
SG Payments Alpha & beyond
12th August 2020 by Fiona MacLellan
Blog by Fiona Maclellan, Senior Service Designer, Product and Commercial Division. In 2019 we announced our payments project and introduced the team working on it. Since then we’ve not given you an update on this blog, but that doesn’t mean things have stood still. We’ve been busy building a prototype digital service, as an Alpha...
Discovering processes and tools that can help research and user-centred design operations
10th August 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Daniel Migliorelli, User Research Lead, Digital Transformation Division. Historically, User Research has focused more on its work with primary sources (for example running interviews or usability tests) than with secondary ones (analysing data produced as a result of previous research). Although it’s common practice for Scottish Government and Digital, Data and Technology research...
Understanding Digital Transformation
6th August 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Elaine Burgess, Service Owner, Digital Transformation Service. The world is changing at a rapid pace. People around the globe have become used to accessing the services they love at the touch of a button, from online banking to online shopping. This has raised citizen’s expectations about the services they receive from Government and...
Online behaviour during lockdown
29th June 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Hazel Cargill, Digital Analyst, Digital Transformation Division. ‘Unprecedented’ may be the word of 2020. We keep hearing we are living in unprecedented times, with unprecedented demands on ourselves, as individuals, as family members, and as citizens in our communities. Demand on our Scottish Government websites could also be described as unprecedented, with more...
SG Payments – Beta phase
22nd June 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog by Carron Macnab, Delivery Manager, Product And Commercial Division. Following a successful online bidder session on 31 March 2020, which saw a pre-recorded presentation delivered via YouTube ( and shared with a guest list of 130, a number of valuable inputs and questions about the technical and design-led approach of the Payments project were...
Discovery in extraordinary times
17th April 2020 by Enoch Kabalo
The Scottish Digital Academy recently hosted an online event to understand what people working in Scottish public services are experiencing in these extraordinary times, with the sudden need for lots of us to work from home. This event was part of our Agile Discovery helping us to understand the needs of our users. This will...
Tools and tips from a digital dad
30th March 2020 by Stewart Hamilton
Blog post by Jono Ellis, Lead Performance Analyst for the Digital Directorate…and a dad. I agreed to write a little blog post sharing some of the tools and ideas I am using whilst working from home before I was working from home AND also working as a part-time teacher for my daughter. Since everyone seems...