Sustainable Shipping for World Maritime Day
24th September 2020 by MS Communications
What is MARPOL? MARPOL, or to give it its full title – the International Convention For The Prevention of Pollution From Ships – was first adopted by the International Maritime Organisation in 1973 after a spate of oil and chemical tanker incidents resulted in vast amounts of pollution being created in the world’s oceans. In...
River Temperature Research
18th September 2020 by MS Communications
Latest research and monitoring from Marine Scotland Science indicates that not only are many rivers now far too warm to support healthy growth of fish, but in some cases summer temperatures can reach levels that cause direct thermal stress.
Food and Drink Fortnight – Spotlight on Sconser Scallops
11th September 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
In the final part of the series we speak to David Oakes of Sconser Scallops on the Isle Skye which received support through the aquaculture hardship fund. David set up his business, which involves diving to harvest king scallops, in 1987.
Food and Drink Fortnight – Spotlight on Shetland Seafood Auctions
10th September 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
In the fourth part of the series we speak to Norma Williamson of Shetland Seafood Auctions. Over the pandemic two new fishmarkets opened in Shetland, including Lerwick Fish Market which received £1.73 million funding from the European Maritime Fisheries Fund which is administered by the Scottish Government.
Food and Drink Fortnight – Spotlight on Tobermory Oysters
8th September 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
In the third part of this series we hear from Shauna Munro who, during the pandemic along with her husband Graeme, has been working to re-establish the shellfish business which her late father David Flockhart set up in the 1970s.
Food and Drink Fortnight – Spotlight on Women in Scottish Aquaculture
7th September 2020 by Marine Scotland Communications
In the second part of our Food and Drink Fortnight series we hear from the new co-chairs of the Women in Scottish Aquaculture (WiSA) Rowena Hoare and Teresa Garzon who explain how they have led the group through these challenging times.
Food and Drink Fortnight – Focus on fishermen working during coronavirus
5th September 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
In the first of this series we hear from fishermen who received hardship funding from the Scottish Government and hear how this has helped them during challenging circumstances.
Proposed seafish amendments for UK Fisheries Bill
3rd September 2020 by Marine Scotland Communications
Suggested Scottish Government seafish amendments for the UK Fisheries Bill.
Seafood sector preparations for the end of the EU Exit Transition Period
2nd September 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
A collection of guidance and advice on the the main topics seafood exporters and importers will need to consider in preparing for the end of the EU Exit Transition Period.
Protecting and researching our seas
25th August 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
You may have seen our recent tweet showing the launch of the marine protection vessel (MPV) Hirta, it really is quite a thrilling moment when you watch the vessel hit the water. The MPV Hirta launched in Gdansk, Poland on 17 August 2007 and so began life on the waves as part of our fleet....