Recent Marine Scotland Science Publications
6th May 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications: Auer, S.K., Bassar, R.D., Turek, D., Anderson, G.J., McKelvey, S., Armstrong, J.D., Nislow, K.H., Downie, H.K., Morgan,...
Supporting Salmon
1st May 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Recommendations on measures to address the interactions between the farmed and wild salmon sectors have been presented to the Scottish Government. The Salmon Interactions Working Group has published its report which sets out more than 40 recommendations under 5 key themes including the regulation and licensing of fish farms, the collection of data and the...
Celebrating World Book and Copyright Day
23rd April 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
To celebrate UNESCO’s World Book and Copyright Day we have a guest blog post to share with you from our very own Librarian, Helen McGregor. Take it away Helen! *************************************************************************** “Books are your ticket to the whole world. The library is the key. That is where the escape tunnel is. All of the knowledge of...
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Marine and Fisheries Guidance
16th April 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
To make sure that you can access the funding, guidance and assistance you need in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19) we have pulled together some of the available support from Marine Scotland and most pertinent announcements on Marine and Fisheries. We will be continuing to keep this updated and under review. Marine and Fisheries Coronavirus (COVID-19):...
COVID 19 – Letter of Support for the Aquaculture Industry
8th April 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Letter from Rural Economy Secretary to the aquaculture industry.
Time for Some Marine Themed Fun
2nd April 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
If you’re stuck for some fun, educational things to do at the moment then look no further than our Marine Education Zone. Below, our Comms Team has recommended some of their favourite Marine Scotland themed resources to keep boredom at bay – so check them out and share your creations. You can tweet your finished...
New Reports looking at Sea Lice Dispersal around Scotland
30th March 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Two new science reports have been published investigating sea lice dispersal between finfish aquaculture management areas around Scotland. The peer-reviewed article published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science looks at modelling output at a regional scale with some specific examples. The report for the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science (SMFS) series provides more in depth...
Monitoring the Sights and Sounds of Atlantic Cod
23rd March 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Many marine organisms, such as whales, dolphins and seals produce sound whilst they are under water. Maybe you’ve heard the clicking noises made by dolphins. But did you know that this is also the case for fish too? This is what PhD student Monika Kosecka has been studying as part of her project on fish...
Acoustic Tracking of Salmon and Sea Trout in Torridon
18th March 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
A two-year project has helped to track the movement of salmon and sea trout smolts in the Loch Torridon system, Wester Ross. During 2018 and 2019 Marine Scotland Science fitted migrating salmon and sea trout with acoustic transmitters to track them through a grid of 80 acoustic receivers across Upper Loch Torridon, Loch Shieldaig and...
Speculative Harbouring: Living Landscapes
11th March 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
As we celebrate British Science Week we’re delighted to bring you an update from Indian artist and researcher, Sonia Mehra Chawla.