MUSES Update
8th March 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
After 2 years, the Horizon 2020 funded, Multi-use in European Seas (MUSES) project has come to an end. The project, which began on 1st November 2016 and ran until 31st October 2018, investigated marine Multi-use (MU) in the 5 European sea basins (Baltic Sea, North Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic). The aim of...
Work Placements at the Marine Laboratory
6th March 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland regularly host work experience placements for pupils from across Scotland. In February, two pupils from two schools in Aberdeenshire spent time learning about some of the work in the laboratory. They got to meet with Marine Scotland staff working in teams from the: Fish Health Inspectorate, Engineering, Fisheries, Renewables, Zooplankton, Disease Diagnostics, Genetics,...
The Wider Picture – OCSAM Goes Stateside!
27th February 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Dr Colin Moffat, Chief Scientific Officer Marine (OCSAM), recently visited the United Nations in New York. Here he talks about what he was doing there: “There is little doubt about the criticality of sound evidence to ensure that our decisions are appropriate. In Scotland we have a reasonable volume of data and information for some...
Surveying in Subarea 6a
25th February 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: MRV Scotia Programme 0319S Duration: 17 February – 11 March 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV (Grand Overture Verticale) Trawl (BT 137) fitted with ground gear D. Plankton Sampling Gear: Gulf 7, icthyoplankton Sampler Hydrographic Gear: Seabird 19+ CTD (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth) Objectives: Demersal trawling survey (SCOWCGFS-Q1) off the grounds of the north and west...
Sampling Herring Larvae in the Dark
31st January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Scotia Survey: 0219S Programme Duration: 24 January – 13 February 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear A & B; MIK Net (Round Frame with IK depressor); and MIKeyM net (attached onto the MIK net on selected stations). Objective: Complete an internationally coordinated demersal trawling survey in the North Sea in...
Meet Rebecca Langton – Species Distribution Modeller
30th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
In our series of Science in Government Conference posters Rebecca Langton tells us about the MarPAMM (Marine Protected Area Management and Monitoring) Project and how she contributes to finding out where vulnerable species are on the seabed. Read on to see what a typical day would be like for Rebecca. Further Information: Follow the MarPAMM...
Scallop Stocks and Starfish Species
29th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Alba na Mara Survey: 0219A Programme Duration: 24 January – 06 February 2019 Fishing Gear: Scallop dredges Objectives: Carry out a survey of scallop stocks around the Shetland Islands. Age, measure and assess shell damage on all scallops caught. Collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and shellfish species. Identify, quantify numbers, and...
Meet Mike Watson – Underwater Observation Specialist
28th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
In our series of Science in Government Conference posters we now have Mike Watson – an integral part of the Engineering Group. Mike is involved with the design, development, maintenance and operation of underwater observation systems and tells us how he overcomes some of the more challenging aspects of his job. Further Information: Science in...
Engaging the Fishing Industry in Marine Environmental Survey and Monitoring
24th January 2019 by Marine Scotland Communications Marine Scotland has been involved with this EMFF-funded project which is aimed at involving fishing vessels in MPA monitoring. This is a joint project between Marine Scotland and Scottish Natural Heritage. The project is managed by Seascope Fisheries Research Ltd, with Charlotte Johnston of Crangon Ltd providing monitoring survey expertise. This is the first...
Mud, Fish and Marine Litter
23rd January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
The first survey of the year for the MRV Scotia (0119S) involved sailing around Scotland for two weeks collecting a range of samples such as: water, fish, mud, marine litter. Below is a picture of the team obviously looking forward to being away for two weeks. The Scotia sailed from Leith on a surprisingly calm...