Sampling and Surveying the Sea Lochs
2nd August 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1118A MRV Alba na Mara Duration: 27 July – 07 August 2018 Gear: Day grabs (x 2) – supplied by Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Craib corer – supplied by MSS Drop-down video frame – supplied by Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) mooring. Objectives: The objectives of this survey...
Storm Frank Makes its Mark in SCObs Monitoring Data
27th July 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Aberdeen may be in the midst of a summer heatwave but scientists in Marine Scotland Science (MSS) have seen the footprint of Storm Frank while performing an in-depth quality check of data from the Scottish Coastal Observatory (SCObs) last week. Storm Frank impacted Scotland from 28th – 30th Dec 2015 bringing wide spread flooding and destruction...
Testing the Water with the MRV Scotia
20th July 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1018S MRV Scotia Duration: 21-25 July 2018 Objectives: Deploy an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) drone from Scotia to monitor turbulence in the Pentland Firth over the MeyGen site, at the South end of Stroma. Record distribution of seabirds/mammals. Record multi-frequency acoustic data using the on board Simrad EK60 scientific echosounder. Record data using the...
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person – Lynda Blackadder
19th July 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
2018 is both the Year of the Engineer and the Year of the Young Person and this month we have another blog about one of our many colleagues who inspire the next generation with their Outreach work. Meet Lynda Blackadder, an aspiring ballet dance but currently a Fisheries Data Analyst and Modeller in the Coastal and...
Haiku to lemon sole
17th July 2018 by Marine Scotland Communications
If you thought our scientists just did fish, think again… sort of. The head of Sea Fisheries Programme, Dr Coby Needle, has written this haiku about a lemon sole. It’s not his first foray in to poetry for this particular fish. He wrote an Iambic Pentameter earlier this year too. It’s fish, Jim, but not...
Celebrating the Year of the Engineer with a father and son – Phil Copland
10th July 2018 by Marine Scotland Communications
As we mentioned in our blog in January, 2018 is the Year of the Engineer as well as the Year of the Young Person. Over the course of the year, we’ll be introducing you to some of our incredibly talented engineers, as well as showing your some of their work. Unusually within our engineering section,...
Scallop Stock Assessment
6th July 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1018A Duration: 4-23 July 2018 Fishing Gear: Scallop dredges Objectives To carry out a survey of scallop stocks on the East Coast. To age, measure and assess shell damage on all scallops caught. To collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and shellfish species. To identify and quantify numbers of starfish species in...
Scottish Ocean Climate Status Report 2016 published
4th July 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
A new report by scientists in Marine Scotland that examines the variability and trends in the physical conditions of the seas around Scotland in the last decade and further into the past has been published. Describing the conditions in 2016, the most recent year for which a full dataset is available, the Scottish Ocean Climate Status report shows that...
An Egg Hunt of Large Proportions
28th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0118H MRV Altaire (Part 3) Duration: 22nd May 2018 – 6th June 2018 This survey was tasked with providing answers to one very simple but, up to now, unanswered question. How much further west of the current survey extent would a mackerel egg survey need to go to secure a mackerel spawning boundary, in other...
Live and Acoustic with Herring and the Sprats
26th June 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0918S Duration: 28 June – 20 July 2018 Sampling Gear: Midwater trawls PT160 x 3; Demersal trawl (BT237); Seabird 19plus CTD; GoPro cameras x 2 with underwater housings and lights; and Scanmar trawl eye sensor. Objectives: To conduct an acoustic survey to estimate the abundance and distribution of herring in the north western North...