138 returned results for 'MRV Scotia'

  • Scotia gear trials survey – development of new international bottom trawl

    A team of scientists and gear technologists from Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands are undertaking trials aboard MRV Scotia to develop a replacement demersal survey trawl for internationally coordinated (ICES) bottom trawl surveys. The new trawl is being developed to replace the existing gear (GOV trawl) which has been used for the International Bottom Trawl…

    9th December 2019

  • Scotia Set for Deepwater Sampling

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1419S Programme Duration: 28 September – 11 October 2019 Objectives: Map the composition, distribution and abundance of continental slope species on the deepwater slope west of the Hebrides from Donegal to the Flannans (55–59oN) and Rosemary Bank (Figure 1). Collect samples (genetics and otoliths) of key species for population studies. Continue use of…

    28th September 2019

  • Scotia’s Hunt for Organic Carbon

    I am a second-year PhD student at the University of St Andrews and was recently very fortunate to be one of the research scientists aboard the Scotia 1019S survey that took us across Scotland’s seas at the end of July. Following an unpredictable summer, we weren’t sure of what to expect weather-wise at sea. However,…

    21st August 2019

  • Coring the Scotia on-board the Scotia

    It is 0300 in the morning and the MRV Scotia is steaming to the eastern section of the Fladen ground, in the central North Sea. We have received the go-ahead to run a short survey over the giant Scanner and Scotia pockmark complexes. These large conical shaped depressions found occasionally in the North Sea and…

    16th August 2019

  • Scotia and Carbon

    The 1019S Scotia cruise (21–31 July) was a 10 day long oceanographic research cruise focusing on the role of carbon within the marine environment, primarily within the water column and marine sediments. I took part in this cruise in order to gather samples for use in my PhD research project from hot spot fishing grounds…

    13th August 2019

  • Scotia Amongst the Fjords

    I was one of 11 scientists on-board the MRV Scotia seeking to better understand carbon dynamics in the sediments and water column around Scotland. My personal goal was to sample sea lochs (fjords) around the northern and western coast of Scotland. Fjords are globally recognised as hotspots for the burial and storage of organic carbon…

    5th August 2019

  • Hydrographic Sampling with Scotia

    MRV Scotia Programme Survey: 0519S Duration: 16-24 April 2019 Gear: Sea-Bird Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) unit; Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV); PIES mooring; Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs); Current meter instrumentation; Water filtering equipment; Mooring equipment; and Chemistry sampling equipment. Procedure On sailing from Aberdeen MRV Scotia will make passage to the start (western end) of the AlterEco…

    19th April 2019

  • Multi-tasking with the Scotia

    MRV Scotia left Aberdeen on 3rd June 2018 to begin survey 0818S – the ‘Annual Nephrops Underwater TV Survey’ (UWTV) – covering Fladen (North Sea), the North and South Minches, the Clyde, and the Sound of Jura. TV operations went well during the first day until the sea state worsened so the survey was halted until early on…

    19th June 2018

  • The Scotia went to CTD to see what she could ADCP

    Duration: 6-16 October 2017 Gear Sea-Bird CTDs (Conductivity, Pressure & Depth), ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) instrumentation and AL-200 frame, water filtering equipment, bacteria sampling and experimental equipment, including bacterial culture equipment with CO2 gas enrichment (HWU), mooring equipment and recovery trawl. Objectives Test the CTD in the Buchan Deep off Peterhead  Perform hydrographic sampling…

    25th September 2017

  • Update from Scotia research survey 1815S: December in the Faroe-Shetland Channel

    Greetings from Scotia from the Faroe-Shetland Channel! A group of experienced scientists and engineers came on-board Scotia on Thursday December 10th to sail into the northern North Sea and on into the Faroe-Shetland Channel. More than a week into our 12-day trip, we can clearly say that we have had exceptional weather for December with…

    21st December 2015