138 returned results for 'MRV Scotia'
GOV Comparison Trials in the North Sea
MRV Scotia Programme Survey: 1819S Duration: 28 November – 9 December 2019 Fishing Gear: BT137 GOV trawl rigged with ground gear A. BT237 (Jackson trawl) rigged with Light hopper rig (300mm and 250mm discs). Marine Institute (MI) trawl (similar to BT237) complete with rubber disc ground gear and wire rig. 2 sets GOV polyvalent trawl…
29th November 2019
Demeral Trawling Survey on the West Coast
MRV Scotia Survey: 1719S Duration: 4 – 25 November 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: Participate in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) coordinated western division demersal trawling survey. Obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. Collect additional biological data in connection with…
6th November 2019
Collecting Cameras and Grabbing Samples
MRV Scotia Survey: 1619S Duration: 26 October – 1 November 2019 Equipment: Day grab; sieve table; time lapse cameras and associated moorings, acoustic device mooring with broadband receiver. Objectives: Recover the time lapse cameras used to assess the macro benthic ecology of drill cuttings around the Murchison oil field. Deploy an acoustic mooring at approximately…
28th October 2019
Hydrographic Sampling in the Northern North Sea
MRV Scotia Survey: 1519S Programme Duration: 14-24 October 2019 Gear: Sea-Bird Conductivity Temperature Depth units (CTDs), RBR CTD, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment, mooring equipment, chemistry sampling equipment. Objectives: Test the SBE911 and CTD carousel (main CTD crane) and the SBE25 and Aquatracker (using plankton crane) in the Buchan…
15th October 2019
Rockall Haddock Survey
MRV Scotia Survey: 1319S Programme – Rockall Haddock Survey Duration: 14-26 September 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV (Grand Overture Verticale) Trawl (BT 137) with ground gear D Other Gear: CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) – Seabird 19+ Van Veen Grab Objectives: Undertake a bottom trawl survey of haddock on Rockall Bank to a depth of 350 m. Deploy…
16th September 2019
Half-way there! Monitoring the West Shetland Shelf
MRV Scotia Survey: 1219S (Times given are in Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated to UTC), 24-hour format throughout.) With a full complement of staff aboard, including 19 officers and crew and a team of 11 scientists from Marine Scotland Science (MSS), the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and the National Museum of Scotland, MRV Scotia departed…
9th September 2019
We’ll be back! Our Return to the West Shetland Shelf
MRV Scotia Survey: 1219S Programme Duration: 26 August – 11 September 2019 Introduction The survey plan outlines the monitoring survey requirements for West Shetland Shelf (WSS) Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). WSS has been identified for monitoring survey effort following discussion between Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Marine Scotland Science (MSS), taking into…
30th August 2019
Blue Carbon in the Marine Ecosystem
MRV Scotia Survey: 1019S Programme Duration: 22-31 July 2019 Objectives: Sediment sampling in the Moray Firth (grabs and cores). Sediment sampling along transect from Moray Firth to Fladen Ground (grabs and cores). Sediment sampling on the Fladen Ground (grabs and cores). Sediment sampling along transect from Fladen to Pentland Firth (grabs and cores). Gravity coring…
23rd July 2019
Getting to know the Herring and Sprat
MRV Scotia Survey: 0919S Programme Duration: 27 June – 19 July 2019 Sampling Gear: Midwater trawls PT160 x 3 Demersal trawl (BT237) Scanmar trawl eye sensor SIMRAD FS70 net sonde x 2 RBR-Concerto CTD with Dissolved Oxygen probe Water sampler for collecting water samples from bottom of CTD dips GoPro cameras x 2 with underwater…
19th July 2019
Nephrops Burrowing Complexes; Part Two
The Nephrops TV survey continued through the South Minch without any issues and experienced some impressive sunsets. Due to a poor weather forecast, the vessel made way for Stanton Bank a little earlier than originally planned and recovered/deployed a COMPASS mooring in the south of the region (which had an even larger squid cluster than…
28th June 2019