Recent Marine Scotland Science Publications
9th June 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications: Armstrong, J.D., Branding, A., Main, R., Mitchell, A., Morris, D. & Ounsley, J. (2020). Science for crafting…
Recent Marine Scotland Science Publications
6th May 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland Science, as a core Scottish Government (SG) Division, is working to support SG’s overall COVID-19 response. It also continues to sustain critical marine science delivery and has over the last month produced the following notable publications: Auer, S.K., Bassar, R.D., Turek, D., Anderson, G.J., McKelvey, S., Armstrong, J.D., Nislow, K.H., Downie, H.K., Morgan,…
Demersal Trawling with the Scotia
17th February 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Scotia Programme Survey: 0320S Duration: 16 February – 9 March 2020 Objectives: Demersal trawling survey of the grounds off the north and west of Scotland in ICES Subarea 6a. Obtain temperature and salinity data from the surface and seabed at each trawling station. Collect additional biological data in connection with the EU Data Collection Framework…
Recent Decrease in Ocean Salinity in the North Atlantic Waters off Scotland
31st January 2020 by Marine Directorate Communications
Research published in Nature Communications this week has investigated the recent, large reduction in salinity measurements in the North Atlantic Ocean. Evidence of this surface salinity change includes the time series collected by Marine Scotland Science in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Scientists observed the freshening event over a large region of the North Atlantic, extending from…
Demeral Trawling Survey on the West Coast
6th November 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MRV Scotia Survey: 1719S Duration: 4 – 25 November 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: Participate in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) coordinated western division demersal trawling survey. Obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. Collect additional biological data in connection with…
Ocean Acidification and the Damage it can Cause
21st October 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Dr Pablo Leon Diaz, Plankton Ecologist in Marine Scotland Science, has just had a paper “Relationship between shell integrity of pelagic gastropods and carbonate chemistry parameters at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site” published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. The paper presents the first investigation of the impacts of ocean acidification on shell-forming…
Monks, Megs and More…
20th May 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
The second leg of the Monkfish Survey (1219H) departed a sunny Scrabster on the MFV Genesis on Sunday 28th April. It was a 36 hour steam out to Rockall, which gave us plenty of time for some beauty sleep. We then began fishing on Tuesday in some fine, calm conditions. The aim of the survey…
Demersal Data Collection
15th May 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MFV Genesis BF505 Survey: 1119H Survey Programme Duration: 9-17 May 2019 Fishing Gear: Anglerfish Trawl BT 195 Objectives: Undertake a nationally co-ordinated demersal trawling survey of Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and Lophius budegassa) ICES area IVA and VIA Record and map distributions of Megrim (Lepidorhombus wiffiagonis), Four-Spot Megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) Cod (Gadus morhua), Blue Skate (Dipturus…
Demersal Trawling in ICES Area IVb
9th May 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MFV Genesis BF505 Programme Survey: 1219H Programme Duration: 28 April – 07 May 2019 Fishing Gear: Anglerfish Trawl BT 195 Objectives: Undertake a nationally co-ordinated demersal trawling survey of Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and Lophius budegassa) at Rockall, ICES area IVb. Record and map distributions of Megrim (Lepidorhombus wiffiagonis), Four-Spot Megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii), Cod (Gadus morhua),…
Demersal Trawling with Genesis
29th April 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
MFV Genesis BF505 Programme Survey: 1019H Duration: 17-25 April 2019 Fishing Gear: Anglerfish Trawl BT 195 Objectives: Undertake a nationally co-ordinated demersal trawling survey of Anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius and Lophius budegassa) in the Northern North Sea, ICES area IVa. Record and map distributions of Megrim (Lepidorhombus wiffiagonis), Four-Spot Megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) Cod (Gadus morhua), Blue…