
  • UK, Norway and Faroe Islands mackerel agreements

    20th June 2024 by

    The UK has, this week, signed agreements with Norway and Faroe setting out arrangements on mackerel for 2024 onwards.

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  • Understanding behaviour of Northeast Atlantic mackerel

    21st June 2021 by

    Scientists from Marine Scotland have been involved in a survey sampling mackerel eggs in the Arctic Circle. Four scientists from Marine Scotland, which is the Scottish Government Directorate responsible for the integrated management of Scotland’s seas, joined the crew of the chartered vessel Marine Fishing Vessel (MFV) Altaire to survey mackerel spawning activity within the…

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  • Getting to know the Herring and Sprat

    19th July 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 0919S Programme Duration: 27 June – 19 July 2019 Sampling Gear: Midwater trawls PT160 x 3 Demersal trawl (BT237) Scanmar trawl eye sensor SIMRAD FS70 net sonde x 2 RBR-Concerto CTD with Dissolved Oxygen probe Water sampler for collecting water samples from bottom of CTD dips GoPro cameras x 2 with underwater…

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  • Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Survey

    2nd July 2019 by

    MFV Altaire Survey 0319H Programme   Duration: 1-23 July 2019   Fishing/Sampling Gear: Gulf VII plankton sampler, vessels own pelagic trawl.   Objectives: To carry out mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey) within sampling Period 7 of the 2016 MEGS survey plan along the NE Atlantic shelf and slope in the area from…

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  • Fish Samples and Mackerel Eggs – ICES Triennial Survey

    26th April 2019 by

    MFV Altaire Programme Survey: 0219H Duration: 16-29 April 2019 Fishing/Sampling Gear: Gulf VII Plankton Sampler Objectives: Carry out mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey) on the western shelf and slope in the area from 55o N to 60o N (see Figure 1 below). Collect fish samples, by trawling, for atresia and fecundity analysis back at…

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  • Egg-cellent Sampling with Altaire – An Update

    5th April 2019 by

    Survey: 0119H MFV Altaire (LK429) Duration: 19 March – 1 April 2019 Objectives Carry out mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey), on the western shelf and shelf edge in the area from 53oN to 59o N. Collect fish samples, by trawling, for atresia and fecundity analysis back at the laboratory. Marine Scotland chartered the large…

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  • Egg-cellent Sampling with Altaire

    2nd April 2019 by

    MFV Altaire (LK429) Programme Survey: 0119H Duration: 19 March – 1 April 2019 Fishing/Sampling Gear: Vessel’s own pelagic trawl Gulf VII plankton sampler with mounted seabird 19+ CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) unit. Objectives: Carry out mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey), on the western shelf and shelf edge in the area from 53oN to 59o…

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  • An Egg Hunt of Large Proportions

    28th June 2018 by

    Survey: 0118H MRV Altaire (Part 3) Duration: 22nd May 2018 – 6th June 2018 This survey was tasked with providing answers to one very simple but, up to now, unanswered question. How much further west of the current survey extent would a mackerel egg survey need to go to secure a mackerel spawning boundary, in other…

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  • Rockall and Mackerel

    28th May 2018 by

    Survey: 0118H MFV Altaire Duration: 22 May – 6 June 2018 Fishing/Sampling Gear: Gulf VII plankton sampler Objectives: To carry out standalone mackerel egg survey, on the western shelf and slope in the area from 52o N to 59o N (see Figure 1). Opportunistic trawling for adult mackerel samples; for exploratory ovary analysis. Procedures: After…

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