Open Government Partnership
Come to the Official Launch of the Open Government Action Plan – 31st Jan, Edinburgh
7th January 2019 by Niamh Webster
Happy New Year everyone. We are delighted to kick off the new year with the official launch event of the Open Government Action Plan on Thursday 31st Jan 2019, in Edinburgh. You’re invited! The Action Plan will be launched by the Cabinet Secretary for Government Business and Constitutional Relations, Michael Russell and the civil society...
Thanks for sharing your views – response to public comments
7th December 2018 by Niamh Webster
Thanks for sending us your views on the draft Action Plan Thanks to everyone who engaged with the draft Action Plan and sent comments. These have helped us improve the commitments, provide more clarity and, in places, helped make them more far-reaching or ambitious. We have incorporated those we could immediately, but where this was...
Action Plan on Open Government complete – launch coming soon!
5th December 2018 by Niamh Webster
Official submission of the Action Plan to the international Open Government Partnership today. Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has been involved. Today we are pleased to be publishing Scotland’s Second Action Plan on Open Government. We have submitted it to the international Open Government Partnership, as is required for all members. Our Action...
Draft Action Plan on Open Government – we want to hear your views
14th November 2018 by Niamh Webster
Scotland’s Second National Action Plan on Open Government 2018-2020 [DRAFT] as a member of the Open Government Partnership Today we are sharing a draft of Scotland’s Second Action Plan on Open Government to hear people’s views on it before it is published. The Action Plan includes 5 proposed commitments on improvements to openness, transparency, involving...
Coming soon! Action plan on open government
8th November 2018 by Niamh Webster
Finalising the Open Government Action Plan – what’s been happening? Since our last post in mid-October, we’ve been busily trying to finalise the Action Plan. We’re pleased to say we’re getting there, and we’re on track to publish it by the end of the month. The Action Plan includes some ambitious commitments which have the...
Getting down to the nitty gritty: government and civil society working together
12th October 2018 by Niamh Webster
The second meeting of the representatives from Government and civil society saw the members gathered round a table in a café. They were rolling up their sleeves and working hard – having a positive and constructive conversation about the actions needed to make Scotland’s governments and systems more open and accessible to the people. It’s...
What we heard: report of public discussion on future of openness
10th September 2018 by Niamh Webster
Read the ideas and key themes from public discussion events and engagement. We’re currently working to create a new plan for the government to commit to for the next two years. We wanted to hear from people across the country about the improvements they would like to see and hear their ideas on how the...
Scotland on the international stage – the open government global summit
13th August 2018 by Niamh Webster
We went all the way to Georgia, and what did we learn? Our big takeaways from the global summit on open government to share with you. Over 2,000 people gathered in Tbilisi, Georgia for the Global Summit of the Open Government Partnership in July 2018. The gathering over 3 days is a chance for all...
Developing open government – all across Scotland
10th July 2018 by Niamh Webster
Update on action plan development this summer A number of small events have been held to crowdsource ideas for Scotland’s second Open Government Action Plan, and we’ve got more lined up to continue this engagement. We’re trying to reach out to different networks and people across Scotland in summer 2018. We need to hear your...
My first week in the ScotGov open government team
2nd July 2018 by Niamh Webster
Our newest staff member, Niamh Webster, tells us about her first week here. Find out about her new role joining the open government team and leading on the thinking around participation. I’ve just joined the Scottish Government to work on open government and participation. Coming into the Scottish Government has been quite a change in scale and...