Working as a government statistician
4th April 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
With the Scottish Government welcoming applications (until April 9) for Assistant Statisticians posts, Senior Assistant Statistician Mark Bell shares his story about his transition into government from the world of palaeontology. Prior to joining the Scottish Government I worked in academia for ten years, specifically within the field of palaeobiology. Following an Earth Sciences degree...
Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2016
29th March 2018 by resas
The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2016 was published today. This version updates the previous version (2013-2014) with the latest available settlement population figures and drive time estimates. The definitions of urban and rural areas underlying the classification are unchanged. Due to changes in postcode population densities Barrhead (East Renfrewshire) is now classed as a...
Scottish Government Workforce Information
22nd March 2018 by shona
The latest update to the Scottish Government Workforce Information statistics have been published. This publication contains information on the numbers of workers, staff sickness rates, and the diversity of staff over the past five years. At the end of December 2017, there were 5,535 FTE directly employed staff, an increase from last year’s figure of...
Scottish Farm Income Statistics 2016-17
8th March 2018 by resas
Incomes from commercial farms in Scotland have increased by around 94 per cent. This reverses the decline from the previous year, with incomes recovering to 2014 levels. Average farm business income rose this year by around £12,800 to £26,400 which shows that the industry has regained some of the decline since 2011. Farm income had...
Scottish Household Survey – Physical Activity
2nd February 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
Scotland has, as a nation, become more active over the last five years according to data from the Scottish Household Survey. This increase, interestingly, has been driven by a rise in recreational walking. Even more surprising was that while women tend to be less active than men, they are walking more than men. The survey...
Scottish Household Survey – Volunteering
1st February 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
Ever offer to help a neighbour by walking their dog while they’re in hospital? Or coach a kids’ football team? Lead a Scouts or Girl Guides group? What about getting involved in the school run? You may not realise it, but all of these actions are considered a form of volunteering. That’s right, volunteering makes...
Total Income from Farming
31st January 2018 by resas
Total income from farming is estimated to have increased by £245 million in 2017, after a modest increase in 2016. The Chief Statistician in the Scottish Government today published Total Income from Farming Estimates for Scotland 2015-2017, which contains near-final estimates of Total Income from Farming (TIFF) for 2016 and an initial estimate of 2017 TIFF....
Scottish Household Survey – Housing
31st January 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
Housing is an issue that comes up in the news constantly. Providing enough high quality, sustainable and affordable housing for everyone in Scotland is a government priority, and data from the Scottish Household Survey (SHS) is used to explore the relationship between living circumstances and the characteristics, attitudes and behaviours of Scottish households. Importantly, the...
Scottish Household Survey – Culture
30th January 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
How many times did you go to the cinema last year? Did you tick any books off your reading list? Visit a castle or museum? Any trips to the theatre, see any good stand-up comedy or take in a festival? According to the Scottish Household Survey (SHS), 92% of people in Scotland participated in or...
Scottish Household Survey: looking back and going forward
29th January 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
A blog by Roger Halliday, Chief Statistician, Scottish Government Looking back The Scottish Household Survey (SHS) has been at the centre of the Scottish Government’s evidence based approach to policy for two decades. With the advent of devolution in Scotland, there was a need for robust evidence on the composition, characteristics, attitudes and behaviour of...