
  • New Reports looking at Sea Lice Dispersal around Scotland

    30th March 2020 by

    Two new science reports have been published investigating sea lice dispersal between finfish aquaculture management areas around Scotland. The peer-reviewed article published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science looks at modelling output at a regional scale with some specific examples. The report for the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science (SMFS) series provides more in depth...

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  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    11th February 2020 by

    Sampling from a Day Grab

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science is an opportunity for us to put the spotlight on some of the great work that’s going on in Marine Scotland Science. This year’s big day also marks the first since we were awarded the Bronze Award by the Athena SWAN Charter as part of our work...

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  • Recent Decrease in Ocean Salinity in the North Atlantic Waters off Scotland

    31st January 2020 by

    Research published in Nature Communications this week has investigated the recent, large reduction in salinity measurements in the North Atlantic Ocean. Evidence of this surface salinity change includes the time series collected by Marine Scotland Science in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Scientists observed the freshening event over a large region of the North Atlantic, extending from...

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  • Ocean Acidification and the Damage it can Cause

    21st October 2019 by

    Dr Pablo Leon Diaz, Plankton Ecologist in Marine Scotland Science, has just had a paper “Relationship between shell integrity of pelagic gastropods and carbonate chemistry parameters at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site” published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. The paper presents the first investigation of the impacts of ocean acidification on shell-forming...

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  • Marine Mammals, Sediment Sampling and Looking for a Missing Buoy

    21st October 2019 by

    MRV Alba na Mara Survey: 1819A Duration: 21 – 31 October 2019 Objectives: Recover and redeploy marine mammal monitoring moorings with acoustic releases, at eight sites in the Sea of the Hebrides and North Minch. Collect sediment samples at a number of sites south of Skye. Attempt to locate and recover ‘missing’ buoy close to...

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  • Science Colleagues get ‘Girls into Physics’

    8th October 2019 by

    Today on Ada Lovelace Day we hear from one of our colleagues, Louise Campbell (shown middle in picture above), about her involvement with ‘Girls into Physics’ events and why she is keen to dispel the myth of how difficult and hard physics is. Read on for Louise’s story and for more information about events taking...

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  • Coastal Temperature Data Published on World Oceans Day

    8th June 2019 by

    Map showing coastal monitoring stations

    As part of the Scottish Coastal Observatory, Marine Scotland and a group of dedicated volunteers record coastal water temperatures around Scotland. Today, on World Oceans Day, the coastal water temperature data from 14 monitoring locations are being published. The volunteer-based observing network works by the volunteers receiving a small self-recording temperature sensor every three months...

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  • Hydrographic Sampling with Scotia

    19th April 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Programme Survey: 0519S Duration: 16-24 April 2019 Gear: Sea-Bird Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) unit; Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV); PIES mooring; Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs); Current meter instrumentation; Water filtering equipment; Mooring equipment; and Chemistry sampling equipment. Procedure On sailing from Aberdeen MRV Scotia will make passage to the start (western end) of the AlterEco...

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  • Reviewing our Year of Science

    18th January 2019 by

    Trawling for smolts MRV Scotia. Photo by Ross Gardiner © Crown copyright

    Today sees the publication of our Annual Science Review for 2017/18. The Review, which highlights the impacts and achievements of Marine Scotland Science (MSS), details the overall contribution and support that our scientists make to the work of Marine Scotland. During this period we have published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and supported more than 75...

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  • A Century’s Worth of Data

    14th January 2019 by

    A CTD deployment at sunrise on Scotia

    The Marine Laboratory at Aberdeen has been collecting offshore water samples and taking related measurements since the 1890’s. Yet, while the equipment we use has changed a lot since that time, mostly due to advances in technology, the parameters we sample have remained the same. The Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Oceanography Group will soon be...

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