
  • Choose to challenge – Equity at sea

    11th March 2021 by

    Dr Berit Rabe onboard Marine Scotland research vessel MRV Scotia

    This week we not only celebrate British Science Week but International Women’s Day too, so this is a great opportunity to point you to an interesting article co-authored by our colleague, physical oceanographer and Scientist-in-Charge, Dr Berit Rabe.

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  • British Science Week 2021

    5th March 2021 by

    Flame shell

    To celebrate British Science Week 2021 Marine Scotland has produced some new videos to put the spotlight on the importance of our seas, oceans and freshwaters. So join us to learn more about the seas and climate change and to find out what it’s like working in the lab. These talks are suitable for Secondary 2 to 6 pupils.

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  • Scotia to the rescue

    17th November 2020 by

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

    Colleagues on MRV Scotia came to the assistance of the National Oceanography Centre while out conducting sampling work in the Faroe-Shetland Channel.

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  • New Reports looking at Sea Lice Dispersal around Scotland

    30th March 2020 by

    Two new science reports have been published investigating sea lice dispersal between finfish aquaculture management areas around Scotland. The peer-reviewed article published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science looks at modelling output at a regional scale with some specific examples. The report for the Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science (SMFS) series provides more in depth...

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  • New Blue Carbon Resource for Marine Scientists

    24th February 2020 by

    Two new science reports have been published today by Marine Scotland Science (MSS) that will be used to improve our understanding and management of Blue Carbon; carbon found stored beneath the sea in sediment, shells and living plants. One is a collaborative project with University of St Andrews ‘Re-Evaluating Scotland’s Sedimentary Carbon Stocks’ and the...

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  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    11th February 2020 by

    Sampling from a Day Grab

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science is an opportunity for us to put the spotlight on some of the great work that’s going on in Marine Scotland Science. This year’s big day also marks the first since we were awarded the Bronze Award by the Athena SWAN Charter as part of our work...

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  • Assessing Plankton in the UK

    3rd February 2020 by

    Two scientists from Marine Scotland Science (MSS), Dr Eileen Bresnan and Dr Margarita Machairopoulou, have been involved in the first ever assessment of the status of the plankton community in UK waters. Led by the University of Plymouth, scientists from all around the UK joined together to share their datasets and knowledge to fill in...

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  • Recent Decrease in Ocean Salinity in the North Atlantic Waters off Scotland

    31st January 2020 by

    Research published in Nature Communications this week has investigated the recent, large reduction in salinity measurements in the North Atlantic Ocean. Evidence of this surface salinity change includes the time series collected by Marine Scotland Science in the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Scientists observed the freshening event over a large region of the North Atlantic, extending from...

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  • Exploring the Effects of Climate Change on Marine Food Webs

    29th October 2019 by

    Three researchers (T. Regnier, F. M. Gibb and P. J. Wright) from Marine Scotland Science (MSS) have had their paper entitled “Understanding temperature effects on recruitment in the context of trophic mismatch” published in the journal Scientific Reports.  The paper looks to address the impacts of climate change in Scotland’s marine environment and fish stocks....

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  • Ocean Acidification and the Damage it can Cause

    21st October 2019 by

    Dr Pablo Leon Diaz, Plankton Ecologist in Marine Scotland Science, has just had a paper “Relationship between shell integrity of pelagic gastropods and carbonate chemistry parameters at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site” published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. The paper presents the first investigation of the impacts of ocean acidification on shell-forming...

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