Camera Trials and Nephrops Trawls – An Update
21st January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
After a timely departure from Fraserburgh on Saturday the 5th of January, Alba na Mara sailed for the west coast to carry out underwater TV work on Nephrops grounds. The first task involved deploying a time lapse camera, attached to a large frame, in Upper Loch Torridon. This was followed by a short steam to...
Reviewing our Year of Science
18th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Today sees the publication of our Annual Science Review for 2017/18. The Review, which highlights the impacts and achievements of Marine Scotland Science (MSS), details the overall contribution and support that our scientists make to the work of Marine Scotland. During this period we have published over 100 peer-reviewed papers and supported more than 75...
Camera Trials and Nephrops Trawls
16th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0119A Alba na Mara Programme Duration: 05 – 21 January 2019 Objectives: Calibrate the RoxAnn Acoustic Seabed Mapping System. Obtain video footage to estimate Nephrops burrow entrance size. Compare two different methodologies to establish Nephrops burrow abundance using the sledge and drop frame underwater TV (UWTV) systems. Monitor burrow reconstruction following trawl activity. Trial...
A Century’s Worth of Data
14th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
The Marine Laboratory at Aberdeen has been collecting offshore water samples and taking related measurements since the 1890’s. Yet, while the equipment we use has changed a lot since that time, mostly due to advances in technology, the parameters we sample have remained the same. The Marine Scotland Science (MSS) Oceanography Group will soon be...
8th January 2019 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 0119S Scotia Programme Duration: 6-21 January 2019 Fishing Gear: BT 137 with Ground gear E Sediment Sampling: Day grab and sieves Litter sampling: Catamaran and neuston trawl Water sampling: Aquatracka fluorometer, Seabird 25 and towed frame Objectives: To undertake water, sediment and biological sampling for the Clean Seas Environmental Monitoring Programme (CSEMP). To collect...
Celebrating Science and Year of the Young Person
20th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
This year has been both the Year of the Engineer and Year of Young Person. Here is a roundup of just some of the interesting jobs our staff involved in Outreach work get up to. Dr Nabeil Salama Andronikos Kafas Pam Walsham John Bruce Campbell Pert Julia Black Lynda Blackadder Carl Jones Eric Dalgarno Alistair McCartney
Meet Andy Wilson – Assistant Environmental Chemist (Modern Apprentice)
19th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
In our series of Science in Government Conference posters we now have Andy Wilson – Modern Apprentice and Assistant Environmental Chemist. Andy gives us an insight into what a day in his work life is like as he prepares and analyses samples. Further Information: Science in Government 2018 posters Meet Pablo Chevallard our Renewables and...
St Andrews Bay on St Andrews Day
14th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1918A Alba na Mara Programme Duration: 29 November – 3 December 2018 Sampling Gear: BT 158 with 50 mm cod-end; 2 m beam trawl with 50 mm cod-end; Day grab and table; Catamaran, and Neuston trawl net. On 29th November Alba na Mara departed Leith at 07:00 hrs to sail up the Forth Estuary and...
Meet Dr Jessica Craig- Fisheries Population Modeller
12th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Marine Scotland colleagues submitted a range of posters for the recent Science in Government Conference describing their work and a typical day for them. Third in our series is Dr Jessica Craig – Fisheries Population Modeller. Read on for an insight into what a typical day for Jessica would be like… Further Information: Science in...
Pinging for Lost Moorings
10th December 2018 by Marine Directorate Communications
Survey: 1818S MRV Scotia Duration: 8-18 December 2018 Gear: Sea-Bird Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) Unit/Carousel, Water filtering equipment, Mooring recovery equipment, Chemistry sampling equipment, and AL-200 Trawl-Resistant Bottom Mounts (TRBMs). Objectives: Hydrographic sampling along the Stonehaven AlterEco section in the northern North Sea (Priority 1). Conduct routine hydrographic sampling at stations along the long-term monitoring...