Bank Advances to Scottish Agriculture
13th September 2017 by resas
The total outstanding bank debt of Scottish farms increased five per cent over the past year, according to the latest statistics. A survey of the main banks and other lending institutions showed outstanding loans to Scottish farms rose by £113 million in the year to May 31, 2017. Total outstanding loans to the agricultural sector...
Scottish Quarterly GDP – An expanded visual summary
1st September 2017 by economy
Over the past year, Scottish Government statisticians have been looking at ways of making GDP data easier to understand. In July 2017 (the 2017 Q1 publication) we published a visual summary of the GDP statistics which was extremely well received by a wide range of users. In October 2017 (for the 2017 Q2 GDP publication)...
Who gets Free Personal Care in Scotland and what does it cost?
31st August 2017 by hsca
This week we published the latest statistics on Free Personal Care describing the number of people benefitting from the Free Personal Care policy in Scotland and the cost of the policy. Who gets Free Personal Care in Scotland? Nearly 78,000 people in Scotland benefit from Free Personal and Nursing Care. Just under 31,000 of these people live in Care Homes...
Health and Care Experience Survey Pack
20th July 2017 by hsca
We are busy getting organised for the next Health and Care Experience survey. The survey is due to be sent out in Autumn this year. The questionnaire has been revised to make it shorter and easier to use, but making sure that the information collected is still relevant and useful. The same has been done to the letter...
Scottish GDP grows by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2017
5th July 2017 by economy
Scottish GDP grows by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2017 The latest estimate of Scotland’s GDP shows growth of 0.8% since the fourth quarter of 2016. In the previous quarter the Scottish economy contracted by 0.2%. UK GDP growth for this quarter was 0.2%. Scottish GDP grows by 0.7% over the year On an...
Scottish Government Workforce Information
14th June 2017 by shona
Information on the number of Scottish Government workers, staff sickness rates, and staff diversity for the last five years, up to March 2017, has been published. There has been a small increase in directly employed staff from March 2016 (5,152 FTE) to March 2017 (5,214 FTE). Also the number of contingent (non-directly employed) workers has decreased by 1 per cent to 1,044 (March...
23rd May 2017 by Maike Waldmann
Maike Waldmann & Roman Popat Opening up the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation You have heard of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) but wonder how it was calculated? You want to use SIMD but without all the health data in it? You want a rich dataset to play with in R? You want...
Organic Farming in Scotland, 2016 Statistics
22nd May 2017 by resas
The percentage of agricultural land used for organic farming has fallen by four per cent to 122,000 hectares, or 2.2 per cent of agricultural land. This is the eighth consecutive fall in the area of organic land. The fall in area was seen in grassland & rough grazing (down four per cent), and potatoes and...
Tenanted agricultural land in Scotland 2016/17
28th April 2017 by resas
The average cost of renting agricultural land has risen four per cent since last year, new figures show. The Chief Statistician in the Scottish Government today released the latest figures on Tenanted Agricultural Land in Scotland. Average rent for land was £40 per hectare in 2016/17 compared to £39 per hectare the previous year. The...
Scottish economy contracts 0.2% in 2016 Q4
5th April 2017 by economy
Main points Change in gross domestic product (GDP) is the main indicator of economic growth in Scotland. The latest Gross Domestic Product release, covering the fourth quarter (the period October to December) of 2016, shows that total output in the economy contracted by 0.2% compared to the previous three months. On an annual basis, compared...