
  • Scottish Government Workforce Information

    14th June 2017 by

    Information on the number of Scottish Government workers, staff sickness rates, and staff diversity for the last five years, up to March 2017, has been published. There has been a small increase in directly employed staff from March 2016 (5,152 FTE) to March 2017 (5,214 FTE). Also the number of contingent (non-directly employed) workers has decreased by 1 per cent to 1,044 (March...

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  • openSIMD

    23rd May 2017 by

    seven types of deprivation

    Maike Waldmann & Roman Popat Opening up the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation You have heard of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) but wonder how it was calculated? You want to use SIMD but without all the health data in it? You want a rich dataset to play with in R? You want...

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  • Organic Farming in Scotland, 2016 Statistics

    22nd May 2017 by

    Chart showing percentage of land that is organic.

    The percentage of agricultural land used for organic farming has fallen by four per cent to 122,000 hectares, or 2.2 per cent of agricultural land. This is the eighth consecutive fall in the area of organic land. The fall in area was seen in grassland & rough grazing (down four per cent), and potatoes and...

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  • Tenanted agricultural land in Scotland 2016/17

    28th April 2017 by

    The average cost of renting agricultural land has risen four per cent since last year, new figures show. The Chief Statistician in the Scottish Government today released the latest figures on Tenanted Agricultural Land in Scotland. Average rent for land was £40 per hectare in 2016/17 compared to £39 per hectare the previous year. The...

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  • Scottish economy contracts 0.2% in 2016 Q4

    5th April 2017 by

    Main points Change in gross domestic product (GDP) is the main indicator of economic growth in Scotland. The latest Gross Domestic Product release, covering the fourth quarter (the period October to December) of 2016, shows that total output in the economy contracted by 0.2% compared to the previous three months. On an annual basis, compared...

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  • Inpatient Experience Survey – Exploring differences in inpatient experience

    4th April 2017 by

    Today, another report for the Inpatient Experience Survey 2016 was published. This time, the results being published have focused on whether certain characteristics or factors are associated with people’s experience of their care whilst in hospital. All the survey questions, which could be answered in a positive or negative way, have been included in this analysis....

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  • December Agricultural Survey 2016 results

    17th March 2017 by

    The results of the December 2016 Agricultural Survey show that while winter cereal plantings saw an increase, silage production last year was down. In the livestock sector, there were rises in sheep, pigs and poultry, but cattle numbers fell to their lowest since the 1950s. Yesterday, the Chief Statistician in the Scottish Government released the...

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  • Scottish Government Workforce Information

    16th March 2017 by

    Information on the number of Scottish Government workers, staff sickness rates, and staff diversity for the last five years, up to December 2016, has been published. There has been a small increase in directly employed staff from December 2015 (5,120 FTE) to December 2016 (5,149 FTE). Also the number of contingent (non-directly employed) workers has decreased by 5 per cent to 992...

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  • New blog platform

    28th February 2017 by

    We are piloting this new blog platform which we’ll use to post updates on important announcements about Scottish Official statistics, our statistics publications, consultations and events. This is likely to replace the ScotStat automated email system that we currently use to provide updates on announcements, if the pilot is successful. The blog is openly available...

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  • Total Income from Farming 2014-16

    31st January 2017 by

    Total income from farming is estimated to have increased by £96 million in 2016, after two years of decline. The Chief Statistician in the Scottish Government today published Total Income from Farming Estimates for Scotland 2014-2016, which contains near-final estimates of Total Income from Farming (TIFF) for 2015 and an initial estimate of 2016 TIFF. The...

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