Stewart Hamilton

Written 195 posts

Communications and Engagement Officer

Digital Participation Ministerial Action Group – Reflections on digital inclusion.

17th October 2017

This is a guest post from Douglas White, Head of Advocacy at Carnegie UK Trust. Carnegie UK Trust seek to improve the lives and wellbeing of people throughout the UK particularly those who are disadvantaged. The latest data shows that around a quarter of people in Scotland don’t have access to the internet at home, while…

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We Are The (Digital) Champions!

4th September 2017

A blog from David Robb, Chief Executive of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) on the Scottish Government Digital Champions programme. In the digital world, many of the old clichés become trueisms: the pace of change really is eye-watering, and the possibilities really are endless! A key action from the recently refreshed Scottish Government Digital Strategy is…

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How digital is supporting our Health and Care ambitions

16th June 2017

This is a guest post from Dr Margaret Whoriskey, Head of Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, on what the refreshed digital strategy means for the health and social care. The second in a series of posts from Chief Digital Officers in different sectors. Realising Scotland’s full potential in a Digital World sets out the vision…

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Scotland’s Digital Strategy and the third sector

2nd June 2017

This is a guest post from David McNeill, Digital Director at the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, on what the refreshed digital strategy means for the third sector. The first in a series of posts from Chief Digital Officers in different sectors. Realising Scotland’s full potential in a Digital World sets out the Scottish Government’s vision…

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Digital First Service Standard – Call for Assessors

18th November 2016

Over the last couple of months the Scottish Government’s Digital First Team have been developing and refining the assessment process for the Digital First Service Standard. The standard is a set of 22 criteria which all future central government digital public services and internal Scottish Government corporate systems will have to meet in order to go…

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