
  • Gear Selectivity in the Moray Firth

    5th November 2019 by

    Alba na Mara

    MRV Alba na Mara Survey 1919A Duration: 4 – 12 November 2019 Gear: Trawl BT201; Net mounted camera system; Scanmar instrumentation; Seltra box incorporating a 300mm square mesh panel Objectives: To undertake catch comparison trials using a Seltra sorting box rigged into the extension of the BT201. Target species will be commercial gadoids, nephrops, commercial flatfish,...

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  • Exploring the Effects of Climate Change on Marine Food Webs

    29th October 2019 by

    Three researchers (T. Regnier, F. M. Gibb and P. J. Wright) from Marine Scotland Science (MSS) have had their paper entitled “Understanding temperature effects on recruitment in the context of trophic mismatch” published in the journal Scientific Reports.  The paper looks to address the impacts of climate change in Scotland’s marine environment and fish stocks....

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  • Collecting Cameras and Grabbing Samples

    28th October 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1619S Duration: 26 October – 1 November 2019 Equipment: Day grab; sieve table; time lapse cameras and associated moorings, acoustic device mooring with broadband receiver. Objectives: Recover the time lapse cameras used to assess the macro benthic ecology of drill cuttings around the Murchison oil field. Deploy an acoustic mooring at approximately...

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  • Ocean Acidification and the Damage it can Cause

    21st October 2019 by

    Dr Pablo Leon Diaz, Plankton Ecologist in Marine Scotland Science, has just had a paper “Relationship between shell integrity of pelagic gastropods and carbonate chemistry parameters at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site” published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. The paper presents the first investigation of the impacts of ocean acidification on shell-forming...

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  • Marine Mammals, Sediment Sampling and Looking for a Missing Buoy

    21st October 2019 by

    MRV Alba na Mara Survey: 1819A Duration: 21 – 31 October 2019 Objectives: Recover and redeploy marine mammal monitoring moorings with acoustic releases, at eight sites in the Sea of the Hebrides and North Minch. Collect sediment samples at a number of sites south of Skye. Attempt to locate and recover ‘missing’ buoy close to...

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  • The Wonders Found when Deepwater Sampling – #1419S Survey Update

    18th October 2019 by

    Scotia at work with waves crashing

    Marine Scotland has undertaken its biannual trawl survey of the shelf slope to the west of the Hebrides. The purpose of the survey is to map the composition, distribution and abundance of continental slope species from the Donegal area to the Flannan isles providing catch data that informs management decisions. The initial part of the...

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  • Hydrographic Sampling in the Northern North Sea

    15th October 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1519S Programme Duration: 14-24 October 2019 Gear: Sea-Bird Conductivity Temperature Depth units (CTDs), RBR CTD, Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and current meter instrumentation, water filtering equipment, mooring equipment, chemistry sampling equipment. Objectives: Test the SBE911 and CTD carousel (main CTD crane) and the SBE25 and Aquatracker (using plankton crane) in the Buchan...

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  • Engaging the Fishing Industry in Marine Environmental Survey and Monitoring – Part 3

    11th October 2019 by

    Marine Scotland (MS) has been leading this European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) funded project which is aimed at involving fishing vessels in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) monitoring. This is a joint project between MS and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH). The project is managed by Seascope Fisheries Research Ltd, with Charlotte Johnston of Crangon Ltd...

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  • Science Colleagues get ‘Girls into Physics’

    8th October 2019 by

    Today on Ada Lovelace Day we hear from one of our colleagues, Louise Campbell (shown middle in picture above), about her involvement with ‘Girls into Physics’ events and why she is keen to dispel the myth of how difficult and hard physics is. Read on for Louise’s story and for more information about events taking...

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  • King Scallop Surveys in the Clyde

    7th October 2019 by

    MRV Alba na Mara

    MRV Alba na Mara Survey: 1719A Programme Duration: 4 – 18 October 2019 Objectives: Carry out a dredge survey of king scallops in the Clyde. Age, measure and assess shell damage for all king scallops caught. Collect information on by-catch of other commercial fish and shellfish species. Identify and quantify all starfish species in all...

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