
  • Demeral Trawling Survey on the West Coast

    6th November 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1719S Duration: 4 – 25 November 2019 Fishing Gear: GOV Trawl (BT137) and ground gear D (hoppers). Objectives: Participate in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) coordinated western division demersal trawling survey. Obtain temperature and salinity data profiles at each trawling position. Collect additional biological data in connection with…

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  • Collecting Cameras and Grabbing Samples

    28th October 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1619S Duration: 26 October – 1 November 2019 Equipment: Day grab; sieve table; time lapse cameras and associated moorings, acoustic device mooring with broadband receiver. Objectives: Recover the time lapse cameras used to assess the macro benthic ecology of drill cuttings around the Murchison oil field. Deploy an acoustic mooring at approximately…

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  • Scotia Set for Deepwater Sampling

    28th September 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1419S Programme Duration: 28 September – 11 October 2019 Objectives: Map the composition, distribution and abundance of continental slope species on the deepwater slope west of the Hebrides from Donegal to the Flannans (55–59oN) and Rosemary Bank (Figure 1). Collect samples (genetics and otoliths) of key species for population studies. Continue use of…

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  • We’ll be back! Our Return to the West Shetland Shelf

    30th August 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 1219S Programme Duration: 26 August – 11 September 2019 Introduction The survey plan outlines the monitoring survey requirements for West Shetland Shelf (WSS) Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). WSS has been identified for monitoring survey effort following discussion between Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and Marine Scotland Science (MSS), taking into…

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  • Scotia and Carbon

    13th August 2019 by

    The 1019S Scotia cruise (21–31 July) was a 10 day long oceanographic research cruise focusing on the role of carbon within the marine environment, primarily within the water column and marine sediments. I took part in this cruise in order to gather samples for use in my PhD research project from hot spot fishing grounds…

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  • Scotia Amongst the Fjords

    5th August 2019 by

    I was one of 11 scientists on-board the MRV Scotia seeking to better understand carbon dynamics in the sediments and water column around Scotland. My personal goal was to sample sea lochs (fjords) around the northern and western coast of Scotland. Fjords are globally recognised as hotspots for the burial and storage of organic carbon…

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  • Getting to know the Herring and Sprat

    19th July 2019 by

    MRV Scotia Survey: 0919S Programme Duration: 27 June – 19 July 2019 Sampling Gear: Midwater trawls PT160 x 3 Demersal trawl (BT237) Scanmar trawl eye sensor SIMRAD FS70 net sonde x 2 RBR-Concerto CTD with Dissolved Oxygen probe Water sampler for collecting water samples from bottom of CTD dips GoPro cameras x 2 with underwater…

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  • Egg-cellent Sampling with Altaire

    2nd April 2019 by

    MFV Altaire (LK429) Programme Survey: 0119H Duration: 19 March – 1 April 2019 Fishing/Sampling Gear: Vessel’s own pelagic trawl Gulf VII plankton sampler with mounted seabird 19+ CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) unit. Objectives: Carry out mackerel egg survey (ICES Triennial Survey), on the western shelf and shelf edge in the area from 53oN to 59o…

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  • Camera Trials and Nephrops Trawls

    16th January 2019 by

    Survey: 0119A Alba na Mara Programme Duration: 05 – 21 January 2019 Objectives: Calibrate the RoxAnn Acoustic Seabed Mapping System. Obtain video footage to estimate Nephrops burrow entrance size. Compare two different methodologies to establish Nephrops burrow abundance using the sledge and drop frame underwater TV (UWTV) systems. Monitor burrow reconstruction following trawl activity. Trial…

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  • Meet Andy Wilson – Assistant Environmental Chemist (Modern Apprentice)

    19th December 2018 by

    In our series of Science in Government Conference posters we now have Andy Wilson – Modern Apprentice and Assistant Environmental Chemist.  Andy gives us an insight into what a day in his work life is like as he prepares and analyses samples. Further Information: Science in Government 2018 posters Meet Pablo Chevallard our Renewables and…

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