Online Identity Assurance – Show and Tell
19th March 2018 by Digital Identity Scotland
In what feels like no time at all, we are approaching the end of the first phase of our work to develop a common approach for online identity assurance in accessing public services. As we set out in our Programme Plan, within our initial Discovery phase, we have been researching and scoping out the challenge...
Designing justice content: subject matter experts’ views
25th April 2017 by dawnkofie
We know that effective engagement with subject matter experts plays a huge part in creating content that works. It helps users quickly find easy-to-understand and accurate information, without having to know the ins and outs of Scotland’s public service landscape.
Realising Scotland’s full potential in a digital world: A digital strategy for Scotland
13th April 2017 by Sarah Davidson
Have you seen the Scottish Government’s updated Digital Strategy yet? We’ve been busy since the publication of the 2011 original, “Scotland’s Digital Future: A Strategy for Scotland”, and we’ve made significant progress against the ambitions set out there. Through improvements in infrastructure, fibre broadband has been delivered to 85% of Scottish premises and in digital...
The first diversity in Scotland’s digital sector unconference: my reflections
10th April 2017 by Sarah Davidson
I thought that the discussions at the diversity in Scotland’s digital sector unconference would be challenging, enlightening and informative, and I wasn’t disappointed. In the voting session at the start, and the discussions I joined later on, I was struck by attendees’ enthusiasm and the strength of their desire to break down barriers and improve...
CodeYourFuture: how we embrace diversity in our coding school for refugees and asylum seekers
21st March 2017 by dawnkofie
Mozafar Haider Ibrahim is an Edinburgh-based software developer and a CodeYourFuture mentor. He describes how the organisation celebrates, and benefits from, the diversity of all the people involved in it.
Designing our Diversity Unconference to be inclusive
17th March 2017 by Jono Ellis
A look at how we've designed our #scotdigidiversity diversity in digital unconference to be inclusive.
Technology doesn’t have values. People do.
13th March 2017 by Alex Humphry-Baker
Alex Humphry-Baker is a Senior UX Designer at Bemo. She explains how diversity can help make sure that technology isn’t prejudiced, and doesn’t prop up damaging stereotypes. “Once you skip ahead to think technology will either harm everything or solve everything, you’ve effectively removed the need to apply critical thinking.”
Working together on common digital challenges
10th March 2017 by Angela Macfie
A blog from Colin Cook Later this month, I will be co-hosting an event which will bring people together to consider how to embed digital thinking and business models across the Scottish public sector. The Digital First 2017 event on 22 March offers an opportunity for us all to find out about the great work...
Diversity in digital: why I think it matters
9th March 2017 by Leah Lockhart
Leah Lockhart, Digital Democratic Engagement Officer at the Democratic Society, gives us her take on why diversity in Scotland’s digital sector is so important.
How CodeClan helps to get women into Scotland’s digital sector
2nd March 2017 by Sara Dodd
Sara Dodd, Head of Curriculum and Accreditation at CodeClan, shares some of the creative ways it’s helping to improve gender representation in the digital workforce.