
  • Spotlight on Digital Economy

    19th May 2014 by

    The Scottish Government has a vision for Scotland to be a world-leading digital nation by 2020. Our vision is underpinned by the need to ensure Scotland’s businesses; public services; and citizens have the confidence, capability and skills to take full advantage of the benefits the digital economy can bring. The term ‘digital’ in this context...

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  • Digital Participation: A National Framework for Local Action

    29th April 2014 by

    On 24 April, Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs, launched the digital participation strategy at Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) in Edinburgh and spent some time chatting with members of the Computer Club to hear how getting online has been beneficial for them.  The enthusiasm from everyone in room for digital technology was...

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  • One Small Step…

    3rd October 2013 by

    Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband

    Following a period of procurement, evaluation and negotiation there are now two contracts in place to deliver the Step Change Programme – one for Highlands and Islands and one for the Rest of Scotland. A total investment of £410 million will see superfast broadband infrastructure available to 85% of all premises in Scotland by the...

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  • Digital Scotland News

    30th July 2013 by

    Everyone across the Digital Directorate has been busy since the Digital Scotland 2013 Conference and Expo in May. Senior officials have spoken at other high profile events bringing together people from the ICT industry, public and private sectors and voluntary organisations that all wish to have their say in Scotland’s Digital Future. We have awarded...

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