How to organise an unconference
4th May 2017 by laurnarobertson
I’m going to start with an assumption: that you’ve been to a conference where you’ve listened to speaker after speaker until you’ve been saturated with other people’s thoughts and opinions. Were you a bit bored? Or frustrated that by the time it got to the questions bit you’d forgotten what you wanted to ask? One way to...
Designing justice content: subject matter experts’ views
25th April 2017 by dawnkofie
We know that effective engagement with subject matter experts plays a huge part in creating content that works. It helps users quickly find easy-to-understand and accurate information, without having to know the ins and outs of Scotland’s public service landscape.
Designing form elements to help users
24th April 2017 by Jono Ellis
To help service designers across the Scottish public sector create consistent and usable services we have developed a guide for forms.
Realising Scotland’s full potential in a digital world: A digital strategy for Scotland
13th April 2017 by Sarah Davidson
Have you seen the Scottish Government’s updated Digital Strategy yet? We’ve been busy since the publication of the 2011 original, “Scotland’s Digital Future: A Strategy for Scotland”, and we’ve made significant progress against the ambitions set out there. Through improvements in infrastructure, fibre broadband has been delivered to 85% of Scottish premises and in digital...
The first diversity in Scotland’s digital sector unconference: my reflections
10th April 2017 by Sarah Davidson
I thought that the discussions at the diversity in Scotland’s digital sector unconference would be challenging, enlightening and informative, and I wasn’t disappointed. In the voting session at the start, and the discussions I joined later on, I was struck by attendees’ enthusiasm and the strength of their desire to break down barriers and improve...
Collected points from diversity unconference and next steps
5th April 2017 by laurnarobertson
2 weeks ago today we ran an unconference on diversity in the Scottish digital sector for public, private and third sector digital professionals. The discussions were fascinating, but too short according to attendees. As a result, we’ve set up a #scotdigidiversity slack group so that the cross sector digital community now has a place to discuss ideas...
An authoritative list of Scotland’s Local Authorities
24th March 2017 by David Duncan-Fraser
Why do we need lists of things? We are committed to the principle that digital technology can enable our public sector to transform their services. Our aim is to have high-quality, efficient services that are built around the needs of their users and are responsive to change. An essential ingredient is the ability to access...
We’ve just started: diversity unconference follow up
23rd March 2017 by laurnarobertson
Thanks to everyone who attended the unconference yesterday (22nd March 2017) and to all of you who engaged with the Twitter conversations at #scotdigidiversity. There were some fascinating discussions on the 5 topics that attendees voted for (see photo below) but there were also a great range of topics that narrowly missed out. We will be sorting through...
CodeYourFuture: how we embrace diversity in our coding school for refugees and asylum seekers
21st March 2017 by dawnkofie
Mozafar Haider Ibrahim is an Edinburgh-based software developer and a CodeYourFuture mentor. He describes how the organisation celebrates, and benefits from, the diversity of all the people involved in it.
Designing our Diversity Unconference to be inclusive
17th March 2017 by Jono Ellis
A look at how we've designed our #scotdigidiversity diversity in digital unconference to be inclusive.